The Cookout

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The Haze Of Our Lives

Royal Sixer
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    (Harpo said many times "She wish she was white", and that came from someone that all their family members skin tone were the same or simular)

    Not once have I wished I were white...But I have wished I was born to a all dark hued family. I cant forget the constant teasing when my own fauir skinned cousins would actually team together and chant "White skin is the right skin", then my cousins would say "Light skin can NEVER sin". This was from 5 to 8 years of age.
    And it seems like my own mother didn't like what came out of her own twat because also at age 8 she suggested when I reach my teens maybe I could have my wide set black ass nose slimmed down. That really hurt and it still does now.
    Then when I was 9 she married this low life darkie named Charles Hill , he drove a MDOC bus in Detroit but what my mother didnt know about him was he was selling cocaine on the side. Charles would then use his 2 nephews and myself as runners all over the west side of town. At first each drop we would get a crisp $100 bill but we were told NOT to say anything, then the payments went to $50 to each of us and before you know it we were given small bags of blow.
    Hooked on coke at 9.
    When I was 11 Charles came back home high and started beating on my mother (I was at my grandparents house this night) and she killed him..stabbed him through his adams apple and came out the back of his neck.
    Her marriage was over.
    Charles' youngest nephew snitched on the entire operation and how long it had been going on, and into child thrapy I went which was 2 parts. Oh sure moms insurance took care of the first part which was just me having to talk to this carrot nosed white woman but when my family was told I would need go to a drug rehab that was $30k and Blue Cross wouldn't pay that. And I surly wasn't worth throwing $30k to get me clean off that shit.
    "We can get him off that stuff with our southern home remedies" said my grandmother. And that is just what they did and They all clearly felt I wasn't worth $30k to get me fully clean??? I bet you if I was high yella with green eyes that cash would have came in hand ovewr fist. But I's 1 oF 2 darkies in this so called "FAMILY".

    So, who's to say that all these health problems I am having to deal with now is the result from all that blow I did and was NOT taken off the right way? Well NiNi thinks they didnt want CPS deep in their business asking how in the hell did a 9 year old child get hooked on cocaine?

    Now I didnt write this for ANY simpathy or empathy. I just for once want to be heard and understood because I didn't plan to fail, I just failed my plan putting trust into Family.

    #HierarchyOfColor within the Black race