White supremacists on all levels of society including online, cover for each other.
Case in point, Anderson Lee Aldrich. He is named as the shooter who shot up a gay nightclub. Mr. Aldrich is 22 years old (not a minor whose image would get censored due to being underage) and a white male ( such a shock ).
For some "reason" shortly after the event, they gave Charles Barkley airtime and showed him ignoring the fact that it was a white male which had nothing to do with us, and (I guess wanting to maintain the creepy high he gets from trying to destroy Black people) he followed the coordinated "agenda" and made this about us.
I say agenda because another complicit party blatantly manipulating search results and leaving Barkley's false accusation against Black people in the forefront of people's mind....is none other than Google itself.
Check search results for Anderson Lee Aldrich and try to get a clear image. He is currently clearly shown (that could change but so far the same all day)....as about the 36th picture of many results that pop us when his name is the search term.
Among other things shown, people crying, police cars, a rainbow ribbon, people gathered for some sort of impromtu memorial service, a few horizontal rows down after the picture of Aldrich, a picture of Barkley as if to give "credibility" to his false narrative scapegoating us for this white gunman's crime.
If someone Black were accused of such a crime, no doubt articles and image search results would make it so crystal clear, you wouldn't have to sort through several results to try to find a picture of the alleged criminal.
Immediately after the news broke, I went searching for an image of the shooter and was frustrated by the results because at the time, they hadn't yet even put up a definate picture of him and you were left to guess.
But when I saw someone post a picture of him, I quickly saved it and put it on blast on multiple social media platforms so that it would reach as many people as possible in case they tried to retaliate and get me banned again on sites like Twitter just to downplay the white crime angle and amp the false Black boogeyman narrative.
Note that shortly after putting the picture from a website on blast, Google "magically" posted it as the (currenly) 36 picture of the many search results on the page.
Go to google. Search for the term Anderson Lee Aldrich. click the "image" tab. See for yourself. Not a total scrub but they are trying to make it hard to see what he looks like while they have Barkley trying to shift the blame.
I am including a picture of him so you know what you are looking for but imagine having no clue what he looks like and seeing this result (and possible overlooking the 36th picture among the sea of intentional confusion),