We have to make it our business to know and teach our own history to ourselves and in the community. We should consider forming Black history clubs ( for us, not our neighbors or non-Black partners and family. Otherwise it turns into a consolation and:or rebuttal session ) in each city and meet regularly to teach one another.
If we know our history, we can do some straightening when it’s necessary.
We have to make it our business to know and teach our own history to ourselves and in the community. We should consider forming Black history clubs ( for us, not our neighbors or non-Black partners and family. Otherwise it turns into a consolation and:or rebuttal session ) in each city and meet regularly to teach one another.
If we know our history, we can do some straightening when it’s necessary.
Our first step needs to be forming “Black ONLY” home schooling programs where only black teachers are to be hired. This is what the fake pink Jews do and also these anti black Arabs running madrasahs in basements all through Dearborn Michigan.