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Master Sixer
San Antonio, TX
I think it's safe to say that we all want reparations. I feel that is the only way that the racial wealth gap can truly be closed.

However I am not necessarily a single issue voter. When I say I want tangibles I mean something that will truly benefit the black community as a whole.

Some of the other things that I could get behind and a support a candidate on are:

1. Police Reform (It would have to include some good punishment provisions. Back when I first joined 6 zeros I posted a really good outline of what I feel police reform should look like. I'll repost that outline)

2. Black Hate Crimes Bill (It would need to be specifically for black people. No people of color or black and brown or minority. It needs to specifically make crimes against black people a hate crime. It would have to include harassment and crime perpetrated by police part of it.)

3. Make Black People a Protected Class (Same for this. No people of color or black and brown or minority. It would need to outline that black people are a protected class and any crim against us would automatically be a federal crime with enhanced charges based on the fact that the person is black. Whether or not the motivation was racism would need to be irrelevant. Simply that the person is black would automictically initiate the enhanced charges. This would also need to include police officers)

4. Free Public College/Stipends Or Grants for Private College for FBA. (Immigrants or children of immigrants to the country after 1940 are ruled out. If you are an immigrant and your parents/grandparents were here in the U.S. prior to 1940 then you qualify. Obviously very few if any immigrants are going to fit that. )

5. Government Backed Housing Loans for FBA Same rule as above in 4 for qualification)

6. Land Grants (

These are the types of things I think of as a black agenda. We can't just keep saying a black agenda and not be specific with things we want. For me reparations is the ultimate goal but I have always said to not just ask for cash. For me I want cash and everything else. I'm negotiating saying I want reparations and police reform and a hate crime bill, and free college and Housing Loans. I want everything because we deserve everything. I feel that way not just because of slavery but for what they put us through now.

Having to see black men killed over and over and getting no justice. Having anti-black racism on TV and part of American society with no consequence. The Democratic party turning black men and women against each other. Allowing people to be antiblack and doing nothing about it. Look at Malika Andrews and nothing was done. Look how YouTube doesn't take these divestors down despite their racist rhetoric. Look at all the anti black racist on the platform and nothing is said. Same with Facebook.

I want to be paid and given benefits for all of that!