The permit issue is why this all started so you cannot have an opinion on what I’m saying until you research it.You know infinitely way more about Tariq trying to get a permit than I do. I didn't look at at the emails or whatever. I focused on Rashad, the group and what he was about.
I've never posted any detailed opinion about Tariq's attempt to get a permit because frankly, I don't know the facts. And before someone says 'maybe you should'. No, you should. There are some occasions I don't even listen to Tariq (like when he's trading insults with non FBA, sellouts, etc.).
"Hidden Colors Quartet" lol....oh goodness.
So, for the record, 'The Great Permit Debate' will have to happen without me. I don't know the details. lol
I do think it would have been better for him and Rashad to have a private conversation. But I would agree that Tariq shouldn't attend. Watch, observe and decide after you think you have enough info either way.
Finally, I think these kinds of conversations are needed. Gotta clear the air of things sometimes.