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Racial Agitation – A Communist Tool


Royal Sixer
Down From Day 1
I get into some pretty heavy discussions with family and friends. This was one of our recent talks. I wanted to share about it here. It is a long one so hang with me here for a minute.

In order for a communist party or group to take over an area be it a small zone or an entire nation, they like to use something called “racial agitation”. They do this by taking a common racial issue within the area and making it out to be a lot more widespread, problematic, and severe. They sew seeds to get people hating each other more and more. They will uplift one group and ignore the other as a means to make one group think the other side is the problem while the other side grows in hatred because they see themselves as victims. Targeting groups that are most likely to fight their cause for them is the easiest way (think white liberals). The people they use are those who want everything done for them with little to no effort on their part. People who love big government essentially. These people will commonly scream out for things like “free healthcare for all!” and “equality of outcome for everyone!” but they never have any solutions or ways to achieve these things without using the good ol’ communist way of taking from one person and giving to another with/by force. We have seen these tactics used in China with Mao (he focused more on wealth to cause a divide among people), in Germany with Hitler, and now they are happening again in the US.

Knowing this is happening, how can we go about logically protecting ourselves from the masses of ignorance and the white knight savors (white brain-washed liberals) from using our social issues against us and against the country? I am not the white man’s token to feeling they have a purpose in life.

On a side note: Racism in the US against black people is obviously an issue and will continue to be an issue. We can’t control what everyone thinks. I fully accepted that years ago. The key is to ensure (best we can) that racial discrimination doesn’t hinder black lives where it matters. This deals with education, housing, the ability to get a job and work, medical care, and so on. Laws have been passed to protect us from these things and while there are still issues, it has solved a lot of problems and things have greatly improved since the early 1900s. That being said, we can’t fight racism when an entire ideology relies on it for success. We have to come together and uplift our own, support our own, and get our own in positions of power to see change happen.

TLDR: Communists are among us in the US and the ignorance of the masses is allowing these sheep to use black folks as a tool to get what they want. How do we protect ourselves from this?