Interesting thing is in Sierra Leone history, they have had African Americans who fought the British in the American Revolutionary war go there as a 'reward'. Also, blacks from Canada's Nova Scotia region as well as a few hundred Jamaican 'Maroons' who the British sent there to quell a revolt and they ended up staying.
Any positive changes in Sierra Leone has to start internally. They had a very bad civil war in the 90s. My guess is the British and Americans were behind a lot of it. When you have a resource rich country, white folks gonna do the conquer and divide thing, as well as pay off people and prop up puppets.
It gotta start internally, everyone on the same page as far as building, have a plan. Two major tribes (Mende, Temne, about a third of the population each) have had issues with each other. Till the tribes get together, nothing is gonna happen of any consequence.
Having traveled a wee bit in Africa, you see the massive potential for progress and leave scratching your head as to why. It's tough to see.