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The Son Who Shot Defending Moms


Sixer First Class+
Too many of this type of brothas these days. It's sad. The video is disturbing. He knows there is a video of him being recorded and he's showing out. Traditionally, we would never, ever hit a woman in public like this. The only time you heard about it was domestic abuse but never in public and never, ever a woman of this age.

The sad thing is he thought it was some sort of public flex. What have we become? Wasn't there any brotha willing to intervene telling him hitting a sista is too much?

The white folks tryna charge them. We know good and well since the victim is black they don't care. Had he been white, no way they'd drop charges. Them charging her is 100 % political "You want us to charge white people shooting blacks, now we are going to charge blacks who do the same" but the difference is self defense. There was another article with all the white boys in the comments section saying they should let the white boy go who choked the brotha as well.

Lastly, her being charged and the whites not being charged for outright murder is a reaction to B1 being effective. Unfortunately, its one of the ways we know we are winning. They get triggered and start doing illogical stuff based on race .



Master Sixer
App Beta Tester
Atlanta, GA
Too many of this type of brothas these days. It's sad. The video is disturbing. He knows there is a video of him being recorded and he's showing out. Traditionally, we would never, ever hit a woman in public like this. The only time you heard about it was domestic abuse but never in public and never, ever a woman of this age.

The sad thing is he thought it was some sort of public flex. What have we become? Wasn't there any brotha willing to intervene telling him hitting a sista is too much?

The white folks tryna charge them. We know good and well since the victim is black they don't care. Had he been white, no way they'd drop charges. Them charging her is 100 % political "You want us to charge white people shooting blacks, now we are going to charge blacks who do the same" but the difference is self defense. There was another article with all the white boys in the comments section saying they should let the white boy go who choked the brotha as well.

Lastly, her being charged and the whites not being charged for outright murder is a reaction to B1 being effective. Unfortunately, its one of the ways we know we are winning. They get triggered and start doing illogical stuff based on race .

I have the unpopular opinion. I watched the interview with the witness that filmed it. She said her and everyone else there knew dude was crazy and fell back, Carlisha kept mouthing off anyway to get the last word. Dude warned her like twice to shut up, she kept talking. So no.. I wouldn't have intervened because it could've been prevented.

was he wrong for hitting her? absolutely.

but people also know it's wrong to steal a car, but best believe I still lock my doors when i get out of it. my point is.. she didn't know dude. she didn't know how he is, how he thinks, if he's on drugs or going through something. hell, he could've had a gun on him and shot her. it's called discernment and situational awareness. if she wasn't ready to fight him herself, she should've stfu.

but the real victim is the 14yr old that was forced into that situation. dude caught a body and may be traumatized from it for the rest of his life. they were in the hood, in chicago, at a hotdog stand at 11pm known for crazies being out. if you're that hungry, just eat some cereal and go to bed. lol.

they were VERYYYY lucky those charges were dropped. I knew they couldn't get them for murder, but at least manslaughter because the teen chased him out the door and continued shooting him in his back when he was no longer a threat.

and if he would've caught the charge, would it be worth it for him to get a felony and do time for murdering someone because she didn't know when to stfu??? i don't think so.

and just to show how selfish she is. when they had ALL their charges dropped, she has the nerve to hold a press conference and try to sue the city. lol smh. she just couldn't take the win and go home.

and again, it's chicago. we don't know who loved this guy. they may be out for revenge. Send that boy down south to a relative for awhile and get him some therapy.


Royal Sixer
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    Any man worth his salt would defend his mother if put in that position. Black Men have to know that our decisions and choices come with consequences good or bad in this case it was fatal. The sad part is the man who struck the woman and ultimately died has 2 little daughts he leaves his bad decisions will also carry over an affect them going forward. According to bystanders the woman he was with was egging on the situation instead of trying to deescalate the argument.....if this is true then her decision also came with consequences. It's sad that some love drama more than they love peace. Choices and decisions have consequences ......this story is on going and in the middle of this a 14 year old grew up too fast.......ultimately his decision to pull the trigger will have consequences. Y'all be careful where you take your business.