My fear is we really aren't ready. The pilgrims have been planning. I've been watching them for years, but the pandemic really sped up the process. Now these wars, etc. They are survivalists and settlers. They are concerned with having enough to survive even though what's coming is the repercussions of their long war on the indigenous and Mother Nature. The world cannot survive with White folks and their trusty gatekeepers helping them. There will be a unipolar world. China will lead it as you've noted. I look at how China is engaging in tyranny and see our future. Africa is really the head of the NWO because they are needed for resources and labor. We can't have futuristic tech without African resources, therefore they are head of the order although the dominant society refuses to include them anywhere in it. They all fear Black power and Black spirituality. We change the world. We fight tyranny. We = Black Americans. I don't know what to say about African people, except most are cowards and will be imprisoned as we are by their new masters. The goal of the unipolar world is to starve the yts to death because they will fight back the most, they've had the most freedom, and they know what it is to have and lose rights.Black folks globally are beaten into submission already. We're well-programmed slaves, but we reproduce too much. The dominant society needs to get rid of enough of us globally to make them comfortable (and to maintain control) before they implement Agenda 2030. Our children are targets now, and they are so weak, so lost, and so programmed with the occult, I don't see how we overcome it. It's scary to watch, but I know I'm gonna be a hunter-gatherer if they don't target me. I'm not trying to be apart of their sick agendas. I'd rather die first.
My fear is we really aren't ready. The pilgrims have been planning. I've been watching them for years, but the pandemic really sped up the process. Now these wars, etc. They are survivalists and settlers. They are concerned with having enough to survive even though what's coming is the repercussions of their long war on the indigenous and Mother Nature. The world cannot survive with White folks and their trusty gatekeepers helping them. There will be a unipolar world. China will lead it as you've noted. I look at how China is engaging in tyranny and see our future. Africa is really the head of the NWO because they are needed for resources and labor. We can't have futuristic tech without African resources, therefore they are head of the order although the dominant society refuses to include them anywhere in it. They all fear Black power and Black spirituality. We change the world. We fight tyranny. We = Black Americans. I don't know what to say about African people, except most are cowards and will be imprisoned as we are by their new masters. The goal of the unipolar world is to starve the yts to death because they will fight back the most, they've had the most freedom, and they know what it is to have and lose rights.
Black folks globally are beaten into submission already. We're well-programmed slaves, but we reproduce too much. The dominant society needs to get rid of enough of us globally to make them comfortable (and to maintain control) before they implement Agenda 2030. Our children are targets now, and they are so weak, so lost, and so programmed with the occult, I don't see how we overcome it. It's scary to watch, but I know I'm gonna be a hunter-gatherer if they don't target me. I'm not trying to be apart of their sick agendas. I'd rather die first.