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These White Folks Are Triggered AF Over Cali Reparations.


Sixer First Class+
The comments section are pure comedy gold. There is an article about the commission, its findings, etc, and a lot of the comments are something to the effect, "It's never gonna happen"
So, I like to troll them sometimes and I said this.

RCNAL: said but it is happening, as above and saying it won't is silly. Laughable. Why won't it? Because you live in Arkansas and don't want it to happen in California? hahahaha

Response: Its never going to happen, California owes Calpers 200 billion it cant repay. Your tax base has been bled dry, you are broke dude!

RCNAL: Wishful thinking, dude. In your line of reasoning any expenditure won't happen. The state 'finds' money for all kinds of emergencies. If a brush fire causes hundreds of millions of dollars to fight and fix or a major earthquake hits the Bay area or LA that causes billions of damage, are you going to say "Its never going to happen, California owes Calpers 200 billion it cant repay. Your tax base has been bled dry, you are broke dude!" You're not. You are projecting being severely adverse to something and trying to justify it by clutching at Calpers straws. I get it. I understand why you are against it but trying to say it won't happen when the state and the governor is clearly planning to do it, is just plain silly.

"Mic drop" --- Jason Black (I know he wasn't the first). I try not to give indication I'm black because it just becomes personal attacks "Get a job" etc.

I love the "pain and anguish" these mofos are going through. Any time I get to see white folks pay black folks for all the BS they have done to us anywhere in the world it makes me jump for joy. I got two FBA born and raised in LA homies who I chat with on a daily basis more or less and I told them about it, they are blase` about it. I guess they think it won't happen. I hope it does and hope they (and others I know and love) get it as well. They are not in LA anymore so maybe that's why.

For Jay and others in Cali, is there a local vibe among Blacks about it happening?