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Think we should have an age limit for politicians in office?

Stan Zero

Down From Day 1
I think it's time we impose an age limit in politics, where you can't be some old white dude who can stick around in congress or the senate until the day you die. Instead, we should have politicians retire at a certain age, instead of allowing some old white people running things anymore. Let the younger people have a say, because things will never change when we have 90 year old white men and women who don't fight for any of us.

I don't even know how half of them are able to handle their jobs anymore. I think it would be wise to impose an age limit, maybe 70 years old max, or 65 idk. I'm just tired of seeing all of these old people, who are stuck in the past, trying to dictate what our futures should be, when they can barely walk or speak.

Time to get the old white folks out and time to get politics infused with more young blood.


Sixer First Class+
I think ALL life time judge appointments should be 25 years maximum, 10 year review that can be overturned if both houses (2/3 senate, 3/4 house) vote on it.

I would like to see the 35 year old rule, change. It's dated. That was middle age in the 1700s with a life expectency in the 50s and 60s. I don't trip on age on the high end. Legally an adult is what I would go for.


Senior Sixer
  • Messages
    Half Black
    Age and term limits, imo. Can't begin to think about solutions to problems with the same corrupt dinosaurs "running things" for the last 4 or 5 decades.
    It would also be good to have a mandatory mix of career fields. Congress should be mandated to have a certain # of Engineers, Doctors, Blue Collar workers, etc.
    I think ALL life time judge appointments should be 25 years maximum, 10 year review that can be overturned if both houses (2/3 senate, 3/4 house) vote on it.

    I would like to see the 35 year old rule, change. It's dated. That was middle age in the 1700s with a life expectency in the 50s and 60s. I don't trip on age on the high end. Legally an adult is what I would go for.

    Real One

    It really is a time for change. These old folks in the senate and all throughout office, are the reason we're in such a backwards state in the US. It's just constantly rich overpowers the poor.

    My idea would be to keep the presidential age to 35 up to, lets say 60 years old. I think that's fair. And For those running in lesser offices like mayor or governor or something, they can be 21-60. Maybe it can be way for people to be able to take office so they can learn, and then be ready for office at 35 if they ever want to run for presidency.

    That's what I would do. And of course term limits for everyone, maybe shorter term limits if it's in the senate or whatever.

    I'm not very political, but I know it's time for a change, because there's no winning with all of these old people running things like it's the 1800s or something.

    B1 rebel 365

    Master Sixer
    Refuse to Disclose
    It really is a time for change. These old folks in the senate and all throughout office, are the reason we're in such a backwards state in the US. It's just constantly rich overpowers the poor.

    My idea would be to keep the presidential age to 35 up to, lets say 60 years old. I think that's fair. And For those running in lesser offices like mayor or governor or something, they can be 21-60. Maybe it can be way for people to be able to take office so they can learn, and then be ready for office at 35 if they ever want to run for presidency.

    That's what I would do. And of course term limits for everyone, maybe shorter term limits if it's in the senate or whatever.

    I'm not very political, but I know it's time for a change, because there's no winning with all of these old people running things like it's the 1800s or something.
    And it's a culture of nepotism and prestige -hardly democratic! To prove their integrity they should NOT receive any special privileges and there should be full financial discourse of ALL expenses made freely accessible to taxpayers. They should all have a limited term of office and early termination if they prove not fit for office! They must pursue the will of the people and not receive personal or monetary incentives for lobbying. They must do jail time for any form of malfeasance. They need to be squeaky clean and honourable!


    Down From Day 1
    Or just term limits that last like 2-4 years. Enough of letting all of these corrupt politicians stay in power until the day they die. It's like we can't ever get to a point where old people aren't telling all of us what to do and how we should live our lives.

    Maybe term limits where you can only serve in that position once and for a limited time. No more people in congress or senate who can stay there for 20-30 plus years. I think max, people can stay in office 10 years, and then they have to peace out of there. Or like some others have said, get rid of all the old timers in office.

    Also, stop giving people in these positions so much damn money. No politician should be paid millions of dollars to help run the country. No politicians should be crazy rich either. Politicians should be common people, who aren't rich assholes who only care for cultivating more money.

    B1 rebel 365

    Master Sixer
    Refuse to Disclose
    Or just term limits that last like 2-4 years. Enough of letting all of these corrupt politicians stay in power until the day they die. It's like we can't ever get to a point where old people aren't telling all of us what to do and how we should live our lives.

    Maybe term limits where you can only serve in that position once and for a limited time. No more people in congress or senate who can stay there for 20-30 plus years. I think max, people can stay in office 10 years, and then they have to peace out of there. Or like some others have said, get rid of all the old timers in office.

    Also, stop giving people in these positions so much damn money. No politician should be paid millions of dollars to help run the country. No politicians should be crazy rich either. Politicians should be common people, who aren't rich assholes who only care for cultivating more money.


    Sixer First Class+
    I don't think age is the issue or should be restricted. I believe we should have as much freedom as possible to elect who we want to. I thought this country was about the people choosing who they want? We should expanding (removing the 35 year old minimum age).

    The real problem in politics as I see it is the Supreme Court basically allowing big money to bribe the politicians as long as they say who they are bribing (disclosures). Citizens United vs Federal Election Commission decision destroyed what little left of a representative republic we had. It allowed politicians to be legally bribed. That's why we have these issues. It's not age. It doesn't matter if you get a 40 year old in there. The amount of money needed to win the party's primary and the general election literally takes minimally, tens of millions of dollars. p

    If you have that kind of money, you can't be bought but you are also part of the 1% class that is ruining everything and in theory have to work against your own best interest to fix the country (Bloomberg). And if you don't have that kind of money, you need to raise it and you can't get enough from small donors unless you and your ideology are very popular (Bernie Sanders) but that's rare.

    Gotta take the money out of politics. Again, it won't matter how much you restrict age until you do.

    There are a few other things I think would need to be done. The electoral college is extremely outdated and was never a good fix. It was put in at a time in the country where, a large number of people weren't born in the country, had no land and so in theory, no stake in the success of the country as they could go back to their home countries. Furthermore, they were largely illiterate. There wasn't a public school system back then. The learned were taught by private tutors like Jefferson was. The electoral college was basically the ruling class not trusting the masses to make the right choices. A largely illiterate, poor voting bloc in their opinion could easily be gaslighted by some slick talking person wanting to use the office for his own personal gain (sound familiar?) So get rid of that.

    And by getting rid of that, get rid of states being able to swing elections. 40 of the 50 states are already going to vote for one of the parties. Roughly ten can swing to either side so it makes Ohio more important than New York, Texas and California, 3 states that are way bigger.

    B1 rebel 365

    Master Sixer
    Refuse to Disclose
    I don't think age is the issue or should be restricted. I believe we should have as much freedom as possible to elect who we want to. I thought this country was about the people choosing who they want? We should expanding (removing the 35 year old minimum age).

    The real problem in politics as I see it is the Supreme Court basically allowing big money to bribe the politicians as long as they say who they are bribing (disclosures). Citizens United vs Federal Election Commission decision destroyed what little left of a representative republic we had. It allowed politicians to be legally bribed. That's why we have these issues. It's not age. It doesn't matter if you get a 40 year old in there. The amount of money needed to win the party's primary and the general election literally takes minimally, tens of millions of dollars. p

    If you have that kind of money, you can't be bought but you are also part of the 1% class that is ruining everything and in theory have to work against your own best interest to fix the country (Bloomberg). And if you don't have that kind of money, you need to raise it and you can't get enough from small donors unless you and your ideology are very popular (Bernie Sanders) but that's rare.

    Gotta take the money out of politics. Again, it won't matter how much you restrict age until you do.

    There are a few other things I think would need to be done. The electoral college is extremely outdated and was never a good fix. It was put in at a time in the country where, a large number of people weren't born in the country, had no land and so in theory, no stake in the success of the country as they could go back to their home countries. Furthermore, they were largely illiterate. There wasn't a public school system back then. The learned were taught by private tutors like Jefferson was. The electoral college was basically the ruling class not trusting the masses to make the right choices. A largely illiterate, poor voting bloc in their opinion could easily be gaslighted by some slick talking person wanting to use the office for his own personal gain (sound familiar?) So get rid of that.

    And by getting rid of that, get rid of states being able to swing elections. 40 of the 50 states are already going to vote for one of the parties. Roughly ten can swing to either side so it makes Ohio more important than New York, Texas and California, 3 states that are way bigger.
    And there lies the rub! -Money! You know your politics! 👍🏿👊🏿
    Money corrupts everything. Simplicity is the best. Each party should have the same tax funded acceptable minimum for elections -negate buying influence irrespective of disclosure. Dispense with drawn out fanfare -people know what the parties represent. More people power needed. Tenure should be subject to public satisfaction. The judiciary needs a full overhaul and judges' powers curtailed. No one judge should be decision maker.
    There should be age restrictions. Maturity is needed as are fresh ideas not stuck in the mud aged mentality to appease a specific demographic. People are capable of making their own minds up and are fed up of corrupt force fed politics and narcissistic self serving politicians.