Sometimes I can tell the difference. Sometimes not so much. With this chick I think she has a bias against black men.
She was married to a black guy and it went south and ended in divorce.
I think that's where the bias may come from.
I had a supervisor once that was a full blown racist. Fox News watching, Bill O'Reilly quoting, bigoted racist.
He acted all cool around black people but to all of us it was pretty obvious.
I can't recall exactly what it was he said but he said something off cuff and slick one day (I can't recall what it was but it was something about one of the black students- I was a Training Instructor for a medical course back then). When I called him out on it he tried to pull the supervisor card. I made it perfectly clear that I didn't give a f*k that he was supervisor and they he wasn't going to say stuff like that. So the next morning he comes in and tells me he's writing me up for insubordination.
I told him he should probably go check his desk. He looked all confused. He went to his desk to find my letter of resignation.
I went to his supervisor and explained exactly why I was resigning and the other employees who witnessed his remarks corroborated my statement.
They demoted him and I left after two weeks.
What he was counting on was that no black person was going to risk losing a federal job. He didn't count on someone so true to their morals and values that they wouldn't let that stand in the way.