So I got into a discussion with someone at work. She said that 36% of abortions are done by black women. This does not include Cali which has the highest rates of any other state because they don't track anything. So It is very likely to be around 45%. That is damn near half.
She was saying that she feels like this is on purpose cause if you look back into Planned Parenthood history, the woman who started it HATED black people and wanted to weaponize abortions against black women by encouraging them to get them. They didn't want our people having babies.
On the other side of this, we see OBESE black ladies being promoted as the new beauty standard. You don't see as many white obese women being promoted... You know what obesity affects most in young women? Fertility!
I am beginning to think this agenda is legit. They want black women to kill their babies and to be too unhealthy to have them.
I understand this is a touchy topic. I am not for regulating abortion. I believe it should be safe, legal, and rare. It should be an option but should not be the standard. Something about this just don't sit right with me.
She was saying that she feels like this is on purpose cause if you look back into Planned Parenthood history, the woman who started it HATED black people and wanted to weaponize abortions against black women by encouraging them to get them. They didn't want our people having babies.
On the other side of this, we see OBESE black ladies being promoted as the new beauty standard. You don't see as many white obese women being promoted... You know what obesity affects most in young women? Fertility!
I am beginning to think this agenda is legit. They want black women to kill their babies and to be too unhealthy to have them.
I understand this is a touchy topic. I am not for regulating abortion. I believe it should be safe, legal, and rare. It should be an option but should not be the standard. Something about this just don't sit right with me.