To answer your question, yes, it does seem that he wants a more physical and open Race War to occur than what is already happening. However, I doubt that this large event of physical and open acts of Racism against Black people will occur during the 'Refinement Stage' of the System Of White Supremacy due to the White Supremacists who run the planet not allowing it to happen because they want Racism to remain hidden as is the purpose of the 'Refinement Stage', maybe when the System Of White Supremacy goes through the 'White Supremacist Post Reconstruction Environment ('Stage One = Establishment of the System', 'Stage Two = Maintenance of the System', 'Stage Three = Expansion of the System' and 'Stage Four = The Refinement of the System and the cycle will repeat itself once more') again then perhaps during 'Stage Three = Expansion' then this obvious Race War between 'So-Called Africa' and Europe may occur but we shouldn't just wait for this Racist genocide to happen, this is more of a reason to end White Supremacy and Replace the System Of White Supremacy/Racism with a System Of Justice immediately and, if you are willing to use Counter-War as a method of solving the Race Problem then see Area 9: Counter-War in the Compensatory Counter-Racist Code/ Concept book before doing so to prepare yourself beforehand and end Racism by any means necessary.