Sin3278_ is WS racist.
Also posts really gay and suspect shit on their profile "for the lulz."
Tells his fellow racist ass sus ass fans and orbiters that "I love the fans I'll suck them off."
His fans obviously stan for White Latino, WS racist POS Nick Fuentes.
Like Sin3278_, Nick Fuentes is also a white supremacist, Nazi, racist, disgusting, hypocritical, repressed homosexual. Nick Fuentes dated a proud anti-Black racist femboy Nazi named CatBoyKami. CatboyKami is a racist crossdressing transvestite Aussie that proudly plays with d1ld0s and also does full-blown Blackface while eating watermelons and KFC, wearing chains, and doing stereotypical garbage to reaffirm anti-Black racist ideologies. PROOF that the white LGBT, both open and closeted, are all anti-Black racist POS.
Nick Fuentes hot date with "Catboy Kami"
View: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=D4fdpLsyDOo Pictures of Nick Fuentes and CatboyKami
View: https://imgur.com/a/LfXlF0w AF stands for America First, a far right extremist group.
View: https://old.reddit.com/r/ParlerWatch/comments/lu2q7v/nick_fuentes_after_failed_stunt_and_being_turned/ Birds of a feather flock together.
You are the company you keep.
They took away Pepe The Frog.
Pepe The Frog went from a funny meme anyone could use to something irreparably horrific.
They also co-opted and bastardized Lil B's "Thank You Based God" internet movement and phrase.
So know you got a new breed of white supremacists saying "Based" while posting pepe the Frog memes while their Eminem and Chance the Rapper Playlist is in the background.