Apparently Michael Eric Dyson has been reading Iceberg Slim, cause this man got on the internet spitting his best rap. To make matters worse he spoke about how black men were to blame for the women marrying Zaddy and choice of these black (mostly immigrant) males being at these Ivy League and Elite schools.
no nigga, cause Washington Post released a study in 2007, stating that most of the black admits to these top tier schools are immigrants. The study specifically stated the applicants were chosen because the schools knew they would not bring up racism. Dyson is a prime example of why YOU CAN'T TRUST THESE OLE NIGGAS! This is was the his inner Pimp Preacher talking the other day. This man talking about all the beauty of black women and got a whole enchilada at home. Furthermore, as a community we are looking at these Supreme Court nominations as how they and their bedfellows will legislation and scrutinize policy.