Came across and saw this on the front page while trying to track a UPS package.
You can't even go about your day without being bombarded with non-stop propaganda.
Same with Amazon and countless other sites plastering Ukrainian flags all over their sites and demanding everybody to support violently racist, white supremacist, Neo Nazi, anti-Black ass Ukraine.
Once again, the dominant society, their governments, and their corporations are trying hard like hell to basically make the most privileged, most wealthiest, white-identified, and white-washed of all racial minorities, the Asians / AAPI communities aka the golden model minority, out to be the most needy, most oppressed, most poor and most struggling people out here.
Asians on average make more than Black people, other racial minorities, and even whites because to the dominant white-controlled society, they are such a non-threatening group of people that won't threaten the anti-Black racist status quo and will do everything they can to help maintain it. And, it's because the dominant society allows for Asians, the privileged model minority, to succeed and operate mostly without any restrictions or hiccups. The law enforcement and the administrative arm often don't go after Asians and their businesses like they do Black people because they aren't Black and they help do white massa's bidding so well.
Need I remind you of the soulless, hateful, Di Lung Cow Chow Dung Shiit crooked smilin' ass, evil slanted eye cave monster and domestic terrorist Ryan Le-Nguyen that ruthlessly shot an innocent 6-year-old Black boy like an animal for just living life as a kid.
Ryan Le-Nguyen is STILL AT LARGE.

White Jewish, even with a lot of them getting into financial scandals / "white collar" crimes or experiencing their synagogues getting targeted on occasion, still benefit from white privilege and get protections, resources, and slaps on wrists as well.
And since East Indians are technically Asian, would the dominant society consider East Indians to be "Brown" or AAPI? Are East Indians considered to be AAPI and are they included in the "Asian Hate Crime" bill?
Needless to say, I'm sick of this AAPI / Stop Asian Hate, anti-Black astroturf bullshit propaganda being promoted everywhere along with these damn shit rags called Ukrainian flags. They are unfortunately rooted in anti-Black racism and hatred of Black people.
The dominant society and its tools also need to stop using the word "racism" or phrases like "racism, sexism / misogyny, homophobia and transphobia" and "Black and Brown" because while they are including the plight of others (as another a way of lifting all boats), they are also sneakily trying to greatly devalue and downplay our anti-Black racist oppression by equating their struggles with our profound 500+ year long oppression. Anti-Black racism is the word.
An Asian or Latino dealing with an issue and an LGBT person facing homo / transphobia is not the same as a Black person being murdered and lynched and terrorized, being poor and gentrified out of neighborhoods, and being wrongfully deprived of freedom, opportunity of advancement, and housing due to oppressive anti-Black racism. It will never could compare to the abominable atrocities our Black ancestors have faced during American chattel slavery, Jim Crow, etc.
Black people and Black businesses continue to be targeted by anti-Black racist shit such as "nuisance abatements" and we continue to rank the lowest financially. We Black people are consistently the primary targets of this global, anti-Black racist oppressive system. Not Asians or anyone else.