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Would you disregard Black people who chose Zaddy or Becky along with their well-being?


Royal Sixer
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I watched a video about a Black female divester who literally got severely burned from the head down due to an "accident" that her fugly demon Zaddy caused. And the Black female divester is still covering for him and playing along with this whole "accident" story narrative that sounds more and more like grotesque attempted murder driven by demon Zaddy's pure rage and evil.

After watching the highly disturbing video, I happened to come across some comments that some Black men made in regards to the video itself:

While I do feel sympathy for the divester as she's still Black, I do take great issue with her protecting and still loving a murderer. He needs to be re-investigated and thrown under a prison. All that aside, I still don't know how to feel about the comments that seem to come from a place of resentment and I dare say some sort of unresolved insecurity.

Now I understand if the Black person in the relationship was a blatant sellout or a vicous coon like Tommy Sotomayor or Candace Owens, then yeah, we really shouldn't step in or care about what happens to them.

I have seen and still do see a lot of resentful comments like the comments above from both Black women and Black men not wanting to support each other basically because "he's with a Becky" and "she's with Zaddy."

We should definitely be B1 and date, marry and procreate within our race. I'm just wondering what the code of conduct should be if a self-loving Black person (man or woman) who happened to get into relationships with Zaddies and Beckies that prove to be problematic or detrimental at the Black person's expense. And they end up getting murdered, set up, jailed, or completely screwed over.

I know other groups besides whites such as Latinos, Asians, etc. tend to disown or disassociate themselves from their relatives or children if they date out. However, the white community and their white supremacy system will still go bat and cover for their murderous zaddies and troublesome Beckies no matter what they do and whether or not they are liberal "n-word lovers", liberal racists, cuckservatives, in the right or in the dead wrong. And I'd think other communities might get on a similar code.

What are your thoughts?


The First Sixer
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    This is a difficult one and I think for me it would have to depend on their mindstate. If someone is a divester whether male or female and they get caught up in a sh!storm of white supremacy behind it then I have no sympathies.

    But I do know some good people who have dated out and not for coon reasons but because they really loved the person for who they are and I can’t see myself writing them off.

    We need to educate ourselves and our youth the power and importance of dating inside the race but it will still happen. In some cities there are so few Black people that the chances of meeting a Black person you want to be with is minimal.

    So to make a long story short, it depends on if they are anti-Black or not in their dating out. Niggas like fresh and fit are the type who date out because of self-hate and not not because it just so happened.


    I watched a video about a Black female divester who literally got severely burned from the head down due to an "accident" that her fugly demon Zaddy caused. And the Black female divester is still covering for him and playing along with this whole "accident" story narrative that sounds more and more like grotesque attempted murder driven by demon Zaddy's pure rage and evil.

    After watching the highly disturbing video, I happened to come across some comments that some Black men made in regards to the video itself:
    View attachment 2214

    While I do feel sympathy for the divester as she's still Black, I do take great issue with her protecting and still loving a murderer. He needs to be re-investigated and thrown under a prison. All that aside, I still don't know how to feel about the comments that seem to come from a place of resentment and I dare say some sort of unresolved insecurity.

    Now I understand if the Black person in the relationship was a blatant sellout or a vicous coon like Tommy Sotomayor or Candace Owens, then yeah, we really shouldn't step in or care about what happens to them.

    I have seen and still do see a lot of resentful comments like the comments above from both Black women and Black men not wanting to support each other basically because "he's with a Becky" and "she's with Zaddy."

    We should definitely be B1 and date, marry and procreate within our race. I'm just wondering what the code of conduct should be if a self-loving Black person (man or woman) who happened to get into relationships with Zaddies and Beckies that prove to be problematic or detrimental at the Black person's expense. And they end up getting murdered, set up, jailed, or completely screwed over.

    I know other groups besides whites such as Latinos, Asians, etc. tend to disown or disassociate themselves from their relatives or children if they date out. However, the white community and their white supremacy system will still go bat and cover for their murderous zaddies and troublesome Beckies no matter what they do and whether or not they are liberal "n-word lovers", liberal racists, cuckservatives, in the right or in the dead wrong. And I'd think other communities might get on a similar code.

    What are your thoughts?
    Black men have an internal desire to help Black women but the discord between us is so extreme that black men have been attacked and even killed for trying to do what's right. So we have to weigh the risk versus the reward for getting involved. The reality is the reward isn't worth the risk. That's my personal fear because I have been there. "I helped you and then you turn on me for the man that's harming you. Make it make sense". My protection only goes as far as the women that are closest to me (Family and Friends). Protection is also circumstantial. I've seen black women instigate hostile situations and then run and play the victim. Some of our women flock to zaddy because they don't want anything to do with black men. If you don't want anything to do with us, then you don't want anything to do with our protection.


    Senior Sixer
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    Half Black
    When you cross the bridge, you‘ve crossed the bridge…it’s over. It’s even worse when women cross over because she is submitting to a man whose whole success is propped on the subjugation of her race. So her being a good wife and following her husband’s agenda is hurting her entire race. But not matter Black Man or Woman if you cross the bridge into Angloville you get what you get and I won’t be there to save you.