Usage for hash tag: CutTheCheck

  1. Rollie Forbes

    I Just Turned On Jim Crow Joe's State of the Union...

    ...and that old cac is talking about Russia, Russia, Russia. Well bitch, where are my Reparations, Reparations, Reparations? #CutTheCheck #RunMeMyPaper
  2. ART

    We need to keep our eyes on the prize

    ...UKRAINIAN NEO NAZI TERRORISTS, RUSSIAN SPIES, AND EUROPEEING CRACKER HACKERS OVER HERE. STOP GIVING ALL OF THESE WHITES AND OTHERS OUR MONEY. They are soulless blood sucking leeches. Let them kill each other. #ReparationsNow #CutTheBullshit #NotARussianBot #BlackPeopleAreRealPeople...
  3. ART

    The Ukraine vs Russia Megathread

    Can Reparations Wait for War? The Answer is: Absolutely Fucking Not. View: #UkrainiansAreNeoNazis #YesAllWypipo #CutTheBullshit #CutTheBS #FuckWhatsNext #CutTheCheck #Black1st
  4. Revolution_2

    We need to keep our eyes on the prize They keep coming with the distractions. They keep trying to reroute the conversation. Now they want us to focus on this. A place that is writhe with anti-black racism. No buddy, not me. #CutTheCheck
  5. Boss Hog

    The Reparations Megathread

    I heard son, good call InsaneOptimist. Reparations should not wait it’s been waiting for way too long. These assholes about to have given out $12B to Ukraine and Afghans while overlooking us. No thanks. #CutTheCheck
  6. Sovereign

    Biden's Pick: Ketanji Brown Jackson to Supreme Court

    Exactly. We don’t need more niggas with jibs we need to own the Corporation. We need to be able to pick the winners and losers in the Black community which is why they need to #CutTheCheck
  7. josiah starr

    The Ukraine vs Russia Megathread

    No Reparation = No Enlistment. No Drafting. Fight YOUR OWN war. #reparations #CutTheCheck
  8. ART

    BREAKING NEWS: The Biden Administration is Now Giving Reparations......

    ...local, federal) and the media (CNN, FOX, OAN, and more) play in the promoting of hostility and abuse towards Black people, etc. Etc. Start the video at 41:35 View: #JoeBidenDoesntCareAboutBlackPeople #BidenHatesTheBlacks #FuckJoeBiden #CutTheBullshit #CutTheCheck
  9. ART

    How Liberals Respond When You Bring Up Reparations

    ...terrorism, etc. To appeal to our sensibilities like they're Ralph Tresvant while they're actually like Ojay's Backstabbers, but far much worse. Stop the promotion of fairy tale BS lies and 'splaining. 'Splaining and living in fairy tales kill people. Enough. #CutTheBullshit #CutTheCheck
  10. ART

    Student loans preditory

    How about #CutTheCheck before you #CutTheStudentDebt? Yep. I remember as soon as Hoe Biden got elected back in Nov 2021, Chuck o fuck schmuck Schumer was talking about proposing something that would wipe away up to $50k in student loan debt, then Hoe Biden said "Oh wait not $50k, hell no, how...
  11. ART

    The Video Game Industry is Racist AF

    ...than America. After all, anti-black racism, centuries of chattel slavery, anti-black eugenicists, systematic oppression, and various evils against black people in America helped spark and inspire the Holocaust against the Jewish in Europe. #NeverForget #NeverForgive #NeverForfeit #CutTheCheck
  12. ART

    Jim Jones gets no respect in Gucci store with the racist clothes you got from the racist clothing store. #LifeGoals #HappyEnding #TheColoredAlabastard #CutTheBS and #CutTheCheck The pure and unadulterated coonery and buffoonery damn near took my breath away. I thought rappers were only this level of stupid on Boondocks...
  13. The Haze Of Our Lives

    Why I think FBA/ADOS should NOT have to pay ANY taxes In The United States

    1. Until they #CutTheCheck and that too is #TaxFree 2. Until we ALL get that 40 acres 3. When #BlackTaxing Black ppl is made illegal 4. When we ARE a protected class 5. A Felony Reversal program in installs Hell I have so many more but I will start with those. How do y'all feel? I am...