White Men Hating On LeBron James

One thing I've noticed a lot. And that is white men hating on 'Bron big time. Brothers will have discussions and debates purely on basketball terms. Is he the GOAT or isn't he? Is he better than: Kobe, or MJ or whomever. We'll debate if his team switching takes away from the argument or not. Purely on that.

However, I've noticed on FB and other forums, white men go hard on him as a person. They use the b-ball debate to disguise hatred for him. Why are they hating? LeBron started getting more activist. He took the knee like Kaepernick and was very close to having an NBA strike over racism until Obama talked him and others over it.

Because of that white men have been trying to use the b-ball debate to just go in hard. I don't think he's the GOAT personally but I don't hate the guy. I think he could or should do a bit more on the black front. However, NO ONE ever did more work for the community than him while a player or possibly ever. NONE. As a person, he was what we always said our athletes should be: married to a black woman, no baby mamas, no scandals or drama. Saving his money and building generational wealth.

He's done just that. Married his black HS sweetheart. No white women on the side. Been a great father and husband. Spent millions in charitable work. First pro billionaire while still an athlete. He doesn't smoke weed, drink alcohol, none of that. Spends an estimated 2 million a year to keep fit, gym equipment, personal trainers, dieticians, etc.

The guy is a consummate pro. But whenever I see one of these online debates, and a black person mentions his contributions as a person, white men shit on that hard. Some of us join in because we either 1. wanna be cool with white daddy or 2. unknowingly join in thinking its part of the debate and not secretly racial.

No matter how you feel about him as the GOAT, the FACT is he will be in the conversation for greatest. Just that alone is huge. So what he's not the goat? He has a fantastic career, is an automatic hall of famer. Gives millions back to the community through charity. Stays healthy. He's a fantastic role model for any young black player to follow. Kobe, as much as I love him, RIP, he was an a-hole to teammates, married a latina. Didn't show much if any concern for black issues if we wanna keep it 1 buck. Michael Jordan divorced his wife and married a non black woman. Didn't give a shit about black issues while playing and not much after his playing days are over as well. His charitable work isn't black specific. The only tihng of note is symbolic being the owner of an NBA team. Lets keep it a buck. I am not saying Kobe and MJ shouldn't be admired and loved, they are and should be, but LeBron beats them and everyone else as a person hands down. I'm not saying he can't do more. Early on he played dumb about Tamir Rice and not criticizing China as well. The latter white men hammer him with to this day.

Marwa got his nigga wake up call trying to enter Norway yesterday.

Now I have been watching and enjoying this brothers content for over 3 years now, but yesterday he got another nigga wake up call trying to enter Pinkertonland Norway by a carrot nosed assless cave bitch Norway KKKop.

If this link doesn't work try the JewsTube link below this one.

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Look who's seeking special dispensation in sentencing for plotting to murder Ahmaud Arbery?

These shameless hueless bastards have absolutely no conscience whatsoever about flagrantly cashing in their white privilege when their own liberty is at stake never mind heinously denying an innocent black man of his liberty just for being black.
The courtroom dialogue between the lawyer and the judge is coded and a mockery of the judicial system when white murderers get to choose the level of comfortablity for their punishment.




This game looks amazing. You get to play as a cat in a post-human world with a cyberpunk aesthetic.

Has anyone here gotten the game yet? It came out on the 19th. I am going to buy it soon as I have time to play it.

Login to view embedded media View: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1332010/Stray/

African repatriotism

On facebook i came across a group that is helping black people relocate to africa. They argue that whatever your doing in america just do in africa. I think alot of celebrities are going to become dual citicens like samual jackson in gabana. If possible it might be a very good idea you can live in africa a brics country and still be eligible for reparations i think. Ti and nipsey talked about this as well what do you think scam or what? #africaisforafricans

Can OR does anyone wanna make sense of this nonsense -trivia? No poetic license for black artists then . . . . ?

Have to admit this did make me laugh some as it took me back to when someone at school wanted to insult one of their peers but lacked the wit or intellect to do so and simply resorted to calling you a spastic or a spaz which was considered the lowest form of insult - well before it all became PC. Okay, it was puerile and harmless but hurtful.
Amazing how a mere word can be as visceral as a double edge sword!
Who are these self appointed WORD TSARS anyway?!
Massive Oops for Beyonće 🤑 😂😂😂

Marwa was charged 10 euros for a hamburger from a street vendor. He had to wash his mouth out after.

Wait a minute. 10 euros in like $14-$15 and that was for 1 nasty burger...no fries, no drink. I think Marwa was #BlackTaxed Nazi Norway style. You couldnt pay me to even try that nasty looking pinkerton hand touched burger.

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MY comment I left:

The Prince Of Paraphernalia aka The P.O.P.

0 seconds ago
Marwa? Are you tired of being #BlackTaxed by these Pinkerton parasitic people yet? I like your trips when you went to places trying to find Black residents and hoiw they live. But lately it seems you are chasing after pink people and wonder why they treat you bad. #TightenUp Marwa. You are Black just like me and they treat you bad but you keep going to these Pinkerton Parasitic nations. WTF you mean you dont like wearing pants? What the hell do you call those you are wearing right now? Looks like "Pants" to me Fam.

Are Black Americans of African Descent or Native American?

There is a huge trend online that seeks to separate Black America from any ties to Africa. To do so, it minimizes the transatlantic slave trade to a minor activity that resulted in less than 300k Africans being brought to the USA. It states that the majority of Black Americans are descendants of an indigenous population to “the Americas” predating the “Red” natives.

Now at face value, stating that Black people were here before Columbus is not controversial, Mansa Musa Keita said it himself. While in Egypt he expressed that his people encountered the land now called “The Americas” which is how he came to power (his predecessor abdicated his throne to sail there).

Moorish navigators have also known of this land and after being conquered helped the Spanish navigate here to rape and pillage. But one thing that the Moors and the Mali Empire have in common is that they are both from Africa.

In Ivan Van Sertima’s book “they came before Columbus” he states that plants native to Africa (East and west) were found in mesoamerica. He used this as an example of how Africans and the natives here have been trading with one another for centuries.

So the question arises. If African people knew of this land and the red populations of this land spoke of Black people who arrived from the seas isn’t it smart to presume that the Black people here are descendants of African settlers?

Especially considering that:

  • Black Americans look like several African populations.
  • Black Americans have a hair texture similar to most of Africa.
  • Black Americans have a bone structure similar to African populations.
  • Black Americans have similar features to certain African populations: Full Lips, Broad Noses, Tall builds, higher calf muscles.
  • Black Americans have a rhythmic musical culture that emphasizes drumming.
So I ask…are we Black Americans African genetically? If you don’t think so, please state why and state who our original identities were. For instance, “red” natives can tell you what they called this land before the Europeans arrived. They can give you their original names, lineages, etc. please provide that detail if possible. If not, state why you cannot.

Kendra G Show

Okay, I don't wanna come off like I'm the most suave`, smooth playah with all his ish together like that. I'm "i-ight"..lol. I have been watching this woman's dating program for a minute.
If this is the average brotha or sista out there, dating in black America is over. Finished. Its a wrap. Finito. I've seen maybe...maybe..1 or 2 men or woman that would be datable, meaning I and most men would date the woman or a man I would feel comfortable introducing to a homegirl. Now, I do think the dating requirements most of the women especially make are what they would like but know they ain't gonna get. The men are jacked up, ain't got their ish together or mumble mouth, don't know how to communicate, lacking presence, seem like they been raised by a single mom who didn't have no black male authority figure at all around them in their upbringing.

Am I being wrong and 'elitist'? Or on the money?

They think we are stupid


All I keep hearing about is the climate crisis and climate emergency. Looking at the news stories, it baffles my mind that they can do this crap in plain sight and people still believe them. Yes, the environment is going through changes but they are blaming US for it when it is the corporations and countries like India and China who do the most pollution. That WEF leader Shwab dude wants to take away personal ownership of vehicles now. He doesn't want anyone to own cars... But them of course. This is all a stunt being run by the rich elite of the world who want everyone beneath them to live like pigs on a farm!

Putin Warns West Current World Order Is Over and New Era Is Coming

Vladimir Putin has warned that "a new stage in world history" is coming in a speech in which he condemned "the model of total domination" by the West.

[here are the juiciest quotes from the article]

"One gets the impression that the West simply cannot offer the world its own model of the future," Putin said, as he described how the dominance of the West owed itself to "the robbery of other peoples both in Asia and in Africa."

Putin said that the global "elites" were now "terribly afraid" that other parts of the world "may present their own options for development."

"But no matter how much Western and supranational elites strive to preserve the existing order of things—a new era is coming, a new stage in world history," he added.
