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$10M donation from man who believes aliens are here

Space entrepreneur Robert Bigelow donated $10 million to the reelection campaign of Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis on Thursday, according to the Friends of Ron DeSantis committee.

Bigelow, the founder of Budget Suites of America, has also invested in other projects including Bigelow Aerospace and National Institute for Discovery Science.

The entrepreneur garnered attention after telling a “60 Minutes” host that he was “absolutely convinced” after she asked if he believed in aliens. Bigelow told the show that he believes aliens are “right under people’s noses” on Earth.
Full story:

I am not one to say this isn't happening. For all we know, they been here for centuries but how is it that these people have money like this to be throwing around? Anytime I hear of people like this, they are some smoked out white hippy types who think they were butt probed by aliens. LOL

Apparently, he has some sort of Showtime series on aliens as well.

The old white people are crazy! lol

The RPG struggle is real sometimes fellow gamers...

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This is funny but it's gaming related.
This guy and his crew are funny. I don't always watch them but when I do.....HAHAHAHA

The have NPCs and their sidequests dead to rights!! And it's ALWAYS for some item to unlock some shit that even after you have it, you're STILL underleveled or don't have enough magic or potions or whatever the fuck...

Nikolas Cruz Penalty Phase - Parkland School Shooter Day 1 (Live)

Florida man faces trial for a catastrophic school shooting, but before he does, he must face jurors for a battery case. Prosecutors say that’s Nikolas Cruz, 23, on footage rushing a Broward County jail guard in November 2018. Jury selection is scheduled to start Tuesday, Oct. 5 at 9:30 a.m. ET. Opening statements are scheduled for Oct. 18.

I stumbled onto this Youtube when the Depp and Turd trial was going it's the "Law&Crime Network" live feed from high-profile cases.
There have been so many mass shootings since the parkland one, that I almost forgot about it. I won't watch the whole thing but I will check on the trial throughout the day.
check it out.
Funny how they try to keep this low profile. I haven't heard about this trial starting on any news outlet.

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MoT #186 Defeating The Phony Outrage Against Reparations

There's a cottage industry in phony outrage, particularly from the white right. And nothing makes them more furious than the idea that black people will get economic justice. We'll take one right-wing propagandist as a case study.
CashApp: $ProfessorBlacktruth Pay Professor BlackTruth using PayPal.Me Patreon:
#B1 #WeAreTheBlackMedia

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Beam Me Up Scotty! -How to recognise CRAZY!

Humourous but sad.
Females have been exercising their biological ability to give birth and nurture babies into adulthood. As science would have it, the female cannot reproduce on her own so a man is therefore needed. Do we all agree?
Maybe you don't agree and feel compelled to question both the biology and the science by asking, well, What's The Definition Of A Woman?
The man in the video, perturbed by the nascent gender psychosis, has been making a living challenging asinine contemporary concepts and interpretations on the female specie by asking so called experts and general public: what defines a woman? Incredibly, the logical millennia held definition is no longer the general consensus! The argument is so ridiculous it's laughable. Parody aside, there's an insidious agenda at play here and as usual it involves vulnerable children.

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New Senate Bill Would Allow Child Support Payments During Month Of Conception

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A group of Republican lawmakers is backing a pro-life bill that would give mothers the opportunity to receive child support before a baby is born.

The Unborn Child Support Act reflects the reality that life starts at the time of conception, and therefore, pregnant mothers should be able to get child support as they carry their child.

U.S. Senator Kevin Cramer (R-N.D.) introduced the legislation in the Senate, with Senators Steve Daines (R-Mont.), Jim Inhofe (R-Okla.), Marsha Blackburn (R-Tenn.), Rick Scott (R-Fla.), Roger Marshall, M.D. (R-Kan.), and James Lankford (R-Okla.) as additional original cosponsors.

By the proximal association of our unique version of Americana politics is this extrapolatorialy relevant

Economic/Political 'Yin/Yang'-Critique of Establishment NWO/TRUMPIAN Dogma

Trumpian, aka neo-Libertarian, dogma relies too much on the economic forces being the leveraging determiner of the politics [See the economic analysis of Michael Lind (2012)]. This view disregards the emotional energy of the humanistic ethos of individuals and their collectives. Equally flawed is the Neo-liberal NWO that relies on a political framework in which a preferred economic system exists [The fatal flaw of neoliberalism: it's bad economics by Dani Rodrik (2017)]. This also discounts the provincial and individualistic aspirations of the contrarian niches.

Governance is more the Yin of collective composition of economic arrangements-for their own sake, sorted for a manageable cohesive social order.

Both the Neo-libertarian (Trumpian) and Neo-liberal (NWO-Establishment) dynamics infringe on the integrity of the individual for either economic or political expedience. Because of these infringements the Right and Left extremes are the inherent, consequential and balancing dynamics when the societal order becomes ossified in its non-responsiveness to those L/R-populist objections.

Since the populist dynamics is more an intangible virtue, plus rare and anecdotal social-pathological militant actions by comparative small collectives, they are disregarded until they reach a threatening critical mass of asymmetric action against the authorities in-charge. Even the present-day Trumpists with their political State-rights leverage and martial gun-culture comprise by some estimates less than 25% of the populace. The cohesiveness of that 25% makes them formidable, but not overwhelming without another 15-20% who favor any sort of order for their cultural "well-being".

It's for that extra marginal percentage of people to obtain the political will for either of the competing claims that gives politics its venue of importance. For the unorganized 40% of the remaining 55% only their narrative interpretation of 'in the course of [cultural] events works as the obstruction to the aspirations of the Neo-libertarian/Trumpists and the Neo-liberal/NWO-ist.

[Ed. epilogue-WE are in that 40%. Without a martially-maintained and aligned, political land base that's more than scattered metropolises, we're provincial enclaves of diverse (not bad, per se) cultural expressions as vulnerable to the whims of external forces as any formerly ransacked and plundered economic entities, such as Tulsa of June 1920.]

Why do some of us keep aspiring to these positions of authority naïvely thinking they can make a difference in these white spaces?

This article gave rise to this question.

He was an undercover officer in a sting 'allegedly' mistaken for a felon by fellow white officers who violently assaulted him then absconded. First red flag it was racially motivated?
Files a lawsuit against the department; rises through the ranks and experiences more targeted micro racism and demoted pending counter allegations of malfeasance by colleagues though recognised for his achievements. Second red flag institutional racism exists??
Is vindicated following outcome of investigation but informed that rein statement to former rank is conditional on formal apology to the same racist colleagues responsible, yet unaccountable, for the injurious physical and psychological anti black racism inflicted on him and condoned by the same racist institution. Red flag number three -don't expect change anytime soon???
Incredulously, this black man still believes he can make a difference and be applauded for it by his puppeteers still not cognitive of the fact that WS always break their tools when of no further usefulness.
Other perspectives on this article welcomed.

⚠️TheBlackAuthority WAS HEAVILY CENSØRED BY TWITTER⚠️7-13-22 | Who Controls Black American Culture?

Twitter (Which is now owned by that bird face South African) Elon Musk was really on that #AntiBlackMessage on Mr. Blacks Twitter spaces. So just be ready for that.

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DNA reveals the founding population of colonial Mexico

This article isn't too long but I find it interesting, in my opinion I think certain people are trying to date themselves to give themselves more credibility.



Kodak Black arrested in Fort Lauderdale (31 oxycodone found in car)

I remember when Trump gave him a pardon. I thought he won't f up again. I really did but it seems like young black men in the rap game have a habit of screwing up time and time again.

Now the thing I don't like about the story was that they pulled him over cause "they thought" the windows on his SUV were tinted beyond the legal limit.

The cops are always looking to bust black people by using this crap against them and yet so many rappers continue to risk this for a trend or style.

He is stupid for having drugs and attempting to sell them or whatever but how he was arrested, it just annoys me.

Pilgrims Are Preparing For War As We Debate Nonsense

As we debate nonsense and things that get us nowhere, the pilgrims are taking oaths to protect "their" homefront. They just booted 60,000 soldiers and guardsmen from the military, then a few days later claiming they don't have enough people to man a war.

Take note...

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MoT #185 Crime Report: The Kongressman's Krooked Kid

Jul 15, 2022 A lot of Congressmen complain that Americans don't follow the law. In this Crime Report we'll show you one Congressman who's son is proving that true! CashApp: $ProfessorBlacktruth Patreon: #B1 #WeAreTheBlackMedia

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Jason Black G CHECKS the “FBA ON TRIAL🤡s” & Uncle Luke!

Jump to the

1:54:45 mark​

and hear how TBA sets the record straight on our culture (Hip Hop)
This has been a debate for the last few years, with Tethers and other groups wanting to claim what #FBA created.
We need to GateKeep better to ensure our creations and culture aren't being erased.
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