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Since We Have No Friends, We Stand Alone And I Wouldn't Have It Any Other Way!


Half Black
Latin America
Not saying that other folks haven't helped us at all, not completely agreeing with you on this but there have been folks who weren't black and helped us in the shadows to gain the respect, dignity and value in society as of of what we have today. It's not a lot for some but I'm happy I'm not a slave like my other brothers before me, and the generations before me. What can I say life is lemons, a mix of different experiences. But yeah some will learn to stop saying that they didn't a lot for us and our community, the real heros stayed in the shadows and died fighting our battle for equality and saving us from slavery!
When you say helped, do you mean as in agents and provocateurs? Or do you mean helped as in helping early after it had long been created, to then go on to later say they actually created what we already created?


Sixer First Class+
As I understand, this is the chronology. The Civil Rights marches were a purely southern thing in its infancy.
At that time, northern Black newspapers like the Chicago Defender were trying to tell southern blacks to sell everything and move up north. Southern blacks had gotten their land in blood. Yes, many moved up north (The Great Migration) but most stayed because they were part of the soil so to speak.
In the mid 1950s its was southern Blacks. Then northern Blacks. THEN whites , in the '60s mainly, when it was already on TV and when they marched they weren't going to get the same treatment as the first marchers did. Selma was 1965. Whites weren't around in '55, '56 like that. Blacks were taking the heaviest beatings alone.
And those white varied. Catholic priests were very prominent, 54 miles to freedom: Catholics were prominent in 1965 Selma march so were protestant clergy and basic white liberals. Many Jews did march. We have to understand that the Holocaust was very fresh. 1960 is only 15 years after 1945. There were 1000s of Jewish immigrants who still had tattoos from the death camps with their camp ID number on it. By this time, though, the movement was already well underway.

Anyway, what this narrative leaves out was how it was a wide cornucopia of whites. They came SEVERAL YEARS in, when the heavy lifting was already done.

The Haze Of Our Lives

Royal Sixer
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    View attachment 8728
    For everyone that wants to say they helped us fight, or helped us create cultures, look at this picture and tell me what you see! #FBA is all I see!!!!
    Where are all those Yamahas? I don't see and of those or hook nosed white men with black hats and 2 braids.


    Senior Sixer
    App Beta Tester
    View attachment 8728
    For everyone that wants to say they helped us fight, or helped us create cultures, look at this picture and tell me what you see! #FBA is all I see!!!!
    Some of them may have been, just not captured or specified in the photo Bro

    ... I get what you are saying .. my stance has always been this: white illusion don't care if you are FBA , immigrant, PanAfrican born or not ... I get the delineation as far as some not respecting, some thinking they would be entitled, etc ...

    To a certain extent, we have to let them be ... They'll find out in due time, ... Some of them, just as f'd, if not even more so ... ... A lot of stuff lingering in their culture that we already progressed past bc of what our ancestors were able to accomplish) ... I feel sorry for them ...

    ..ijs, we have bigger fish to fry, and I think we get sidetracked on the inconsequential, which sometimes is intentionally created by the same ppl who created COINTELPRO , supported the boule, and tried to drive wedges and start firebombs in our community ...

    With that said, there have been contributions ... Stokley Carmichael /Toure ... Was he a contributor (Caribbean descent, I believe) ... Garvey? (I keep saying, no Garvey, no Malcolm or Black Panthers - the militant mindset likely would have emerged, at a later time) ...

    Farrakhan? Doesn't he have Caribbean lineage as well?

    Understanding that those are men, and all men fail at some point ... Compromised or not, failed or not, FBA or not... You moved the ball down the field a couple yards, got tackled, fumbled, ... They are wins just the same ...

    All black contributions count in my book ...

    I respect all family perspectives, bc all of them have merit ...
    Last edited:
    The generation before the 80s that was from the Caribbean had a lot of ridaz. Yes, some coons, like all groups, but some ridaz. The ridaz saw themselves as the same as FBAs living in America. They were fighting for the same struggle. Because they experienced the same thing.

    A lof of the rappers that came out in the '80s and prior were Caribbean and you didn't know. They didn't push it. They pushed their hood. Dougie Fresh, Phife, Special Ed, Slick Rick (who was British and Caribbean) and a long list of others with non FBA background, were all about their hood or crew.. No mention of their background because it didn't matter too much to them, they were Black first. They were from Brooklyn, or the Bronx or where ever.

    The US government realized this and in the last 20, 30 years or so screened for complacent, coons from the Caribbean and the continent. That's my guess. The process changed. They asked you about your political affiliations both on paper and in interviews. You got the notion that you had to seem non threatening.

    I did some volunteer work years ago for those going for their green card/citizenship and I got to see the process. If you showed any indication you were 'political' it could deny you. Pre Civil Rights, you could come to the US from the Caribbean fairly easy. A lot of people came up to cut sugar in Florida and never left, or to school or whatever and just stayed. Same with citizenship. They ask for any associations, clubs. Either where you came from or in America. Could be a frat, could be anything. While I don't think they would deny you for being in the Urban League or NAACP per se, if you are part of BLM, Nation of Islam, you gotta list it. Not listing it and they find out later, technically you can have citizenship revoked. The Trump administration was combing through 1000s of back citizenship papers and tryna retroactively revoke citizenships, even from decades ago.

    I have both FBA and non FBA in my family, extended family, and I have pretty much left some of them alone because they are about looking at being better than this other black group.

    At this point in my life if you aren't tryna build with whomever is tryna build. I put all others who ain't B1 or trippin' on petty ish, on ignore. Shyt is too important for BS.
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    Royal Sixer
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    Half Black
    Whites/others haven't helped blacks since they free'd the slaves and it is speculated the only reason that even happened was because some infighting amongst the white groups, one wanting to piss off the other. Not because they legit felt blacks were equals. Others says it was meant to force black men into the military and the workforce and also "slavery" was losing value overall.

    Just my two cents. I am not history buff though.

    Deleted member 1946

    Me neither. Now if we can get rid of the traitors amongst us. Make them disappear.
    Every great movement started an internal purge. You can't fight with enemies among you. The great thing about the internet is that we can put everyone on alert at the same time. The media chooses coons to represent us, both foreign and domestic. Put them all on the jumbotron.

    Deleted member 1946

    Whites/others haven't helped blacks since they free'd the slaves and it is speculated the only reason that even happened was because some infighting amongst the white groups, one wanting to piss off the other. Not because they legit felt blacks were equals. Others says it was meant to force black men into the military and the workforce and also "slavery" was losing value overall.

    Just my two cents. I am not history buff though.
    There was indeed in fighting since each decision has pros and cons.

    Deleted member 1946

    Not saying that other folks haven't helped us at all, not completely agreeing with you on this but there have been folks who weren't black and helped us in the shadows to gain the respect, dignity and value in society as of of what we have today. It's not a lot for some but I'm happy I'm not a slave like my other brothers before me, and the generations before me. What can I say life is lemons, a mix of different experiences. But yeah some will learn to stop saying that they didn't a lot for us and our community, the real heros stayed in the shadows and died fighting our battle for equality and saving us from slavery!
    There were a few. One here. One there. Not anywhere near enough to move the needle.

    Deleted member 1946

    As I understand, this is the chronology. The Civil Rights marches were a purely southern thing in its infancy.
    At that time, northern Black newspapers like the Chicago Defender were trying to tell southern blacks to sell everything and move up north. Southern blacks had gotten their land in blood. Yes, many moved up north (The Great Migration) but most stayed because they were part of the soil so to speak.
    In the mid 1950s its was southern Blacks. Then northern Blacks. THEN whites , in the '60s mainly, when it was already on TV and when they marched they weren't going to get the same treatment as the first marchers did. Selma was 1965. Whites weren't around in '55, '56 like that. Blacks were taking the heaviest beatings alone.
    And those white varied. Catholic priests were very prominent, 54 miles to freedom: Catholics were prominent in 1965 Selma march so were protestant clergy and basic white liberals. Many Jews did march. We have to understand that the Holocaust was very fresh. 1960 is only 15 years after 1945. There were 1000s of Jewish immigrants who still had tattoos from the death camps with their camp ID number on it. By this time, though, the movement was already well underway.

    Anyway, what this narrative leaves out was how it was a wide cornucopia of whites. They came SEVERAL YEARS in, when the heavy lifting was already done.
    I think a portion of our people sold their land for much less than what it was worth.

    Deleted member 1946

    Some of them may have been, just not captured or specified in the photo Bro

    ... I get what you are saying .. my stance has always been this: white illusion don't care if you are FBA , immigrant, PanAfrican born or not ... I get the delineation as far as some not respecting, some thinking they would be entitled, etc ...

    To a certain extent, we have to let them be ... They'll find out in due time, ... Some of them, just as f'd, if not even more so ... ... A lot of stuff lingering in their culture that we already progressed past bc of what our ancestors were able to accomplish) ... I feel sorry for them ...

    ..ijs, we have bigger fish to fry, and I think we get sidetracked on the inconsequential, which sometimes is intentionally created by the same ppl who created COINTELPRO , supported the boule, and tried to drive wedges and start firebombs in our community ...

    With that said, there have been contributions ... Stokley Carmichael /Toure ... Was he a contributor (Caribbean descent, I believe) ... Garvey? (I keep saying, no Garvey, no Malcolm or Black Panthers - the militant mindset likely would have emerged, at a later time) ...

    Farrakhan? Doesn't he have Caribbean lineage as well?

    Understanding that those are men, and all men fail at some point ... Compromised or not, failed or not, FBA or not... You moved the ball down the field a couple yards, got tackled, fumbled, ... They are wins just the same ...

    All black contributions count in my book ...

    I respect all family perspectives, bc all of them have merit ...
    There is controlled opposition too that must be addressed. I am sure some of our leaders were placed at the top so we can have the illusion of progress.