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Going green for more money!


Royal Sixer
  • Messages
    Half Black
    Why is it that every week I heard about "the Biden administration sending ___ to Ukraine"?

    The fact that people are not pissed off about this and are protesting outside the Whitehouse makes me wonder if people are even paying attention. They are sending ALL of our tax-paying dollars to a country that gives ZERO shits about us while boosting Russia and China in terms of power. While this is happening, we have these Biden admin dipshits saying we need to push even faster for his climate goals. Do you know what those goals are? I bet most people who voted for his old racist ass don't.

    His climate plans = making gas too expensive, making flights too expensive, making electricity too expensive, making meat too expensive, and making the water too expensive to the point where upper middle-class America and below can't afford any of it. That is 70%+ of this country. By 2030, they want us living in government-regulated housing and if we step out of line, we lose access to everything because WE WILL OWN NOTHING!

    This whole plan is designed by the WEF to give them power and wealth over millions and millions of people in different countries around the world. Do you mean to tell me they are scared of rising water and climate change while most of them own million-dollar beachfront property? BULL.

    People need to wake the f up for real.


    Royal Sixer
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    Half Black
    Quite a few people see what's happening, but they're too busy virtue signalling, or they don't care because they aren't affected by it. The rest are zombies and only paying attention to what they are told to pay attention to.
    That is the problem I am seeing. We are being taken advantage of cause even the people who notice don't care enough to act on anything. We have been lied to over and over again and these psycho people are looking to use this green movement to basically strip us of everything.


    Royal Sixer
    Community Host
    Content Contributor
    By 2030, they want us living in government-regulated housing and if we step out of line, we lose access to everything because WE WILL OWN NOTHING!

    And the government-regulated housing isn't going to look like these extremely expensive lofts, luxury apartments, and condos that they keep building everywhere either.

    You think they're trying to have us live in fancy housing like this?

    Wrong. This is what they want our government-regulated habitat to look like.

    Not bad right? Maybe you and your family can have fun camping out permanently afterwards for some fresh, "cleaner" air.


    Welcome to the New and Better Inner City for the Black people to thrive in.

    Here are the New Suburbs for the poor whites and non-Blacks.


    All millionaires, billionaires, and trillionaires will keep their property and assets. The best job you'll be able to get is police / government job to help keep this sham corrupt system in place and running. Otherwise, you will be competing for mere fame, status, better housing, better food, better resources, social credit, and recognition with little opportunity available.

    New World Order Housing And Society Features:

    No responsive maintenance team and front desk. Non-responsive goverment and emergency hotlines. Maintenance requests will no longer be accepted due to a closed 10+ year wait list. Short staffing and overworked, underpaid apartment employees will be normal. The media will continue acting like everything is fine and promote false patriotic propaganda, North Korea style. "Food" will be chosen for you and rationed. You will have access to the worst resources, worst doctors and professionals. The indoctrination centers (schools) will look like detection camps full of predators and perversion disguised as "sex education." The property and things that you own will be confiscated in creative ways if not forcefully. You will fight the country for free for nothing but "patriotic" praise and mere phony celebration that feels real and feels good in return. Martial Law WS Race Soldiers Police will either not show up at all or they will show up ready to kill, imprison, fine, or evict you if you "cross the line" or even "just because" with no legitimate reason given. Black people will be the primary targets and once Black people are finished being wiped out, the next targets will be the poorer non-Blacks (including whites). Welcome to the New Game. You will own nothing and be happy. 🤡

    Earth will be cancelled soon. 😈

    tales from the crypt horror GIF by absurdnoise

    You still got people scared shitless about some damn CRT (Critical Race Theory), Sharia Law, or Trump getting back in office. What about this New World Order (NWO) and Martial Law? You need to be fighting against this NWO and worsening Corrupt Government / Police State like you fighting against wearing masks and these experimental vaxxes. The lives of you, your children and families depend on it. #Priorities

    Possible Plot Twist: Since there are only so many wealthy people on the planet and they keeping giving all of this money to Ukraine and these white / non-Black foreigners, what if one of the goals is to have the poorer American citizens (especially the Black ones) live in smaller shithole shoeboxes and tent cities to slowly die off and be neglected in (before making another Lake Lanier or highway to cover their dead bodies) while they move in the wealthy non-Black immigrants and foreigners into these empty luxury buildings they keep building everywhere?


    Royal Sixer
  • Messages
    Half Black
    And the government-regulated housing isn't going to look like these extremely expensive lofts, luxury apartments, and condos that they keep building everywhere either.

    You think they're trying to have us live in fancy housing like this?

    Wrong. This is what they want our government-regulated habitat to look like.

    Not bad right? Maybe you and your family can have fun camping out permanently afterwards for some fresh, "cleaner" air.


    Welcome to the New and Better Inner City for the Black people to thrive in.

    Here are the New Suburbs for the poor whites and non-Blacks.


    All millionaires, billionaires, and trillionaires will keep their property and assets. The best job you'll be able to get is police / government job to help keep this sham corrupt system in place and running. Otherwise, you will be competing for mere fame, status, better housing, better food, better resources, social credit, and recognition with little opportunity available.

    New World Order Housing And Society Features:

    No responsive maintenance team and front desk. Non-responsive goverment and emergency hotlines. Maintenance requests will no longer be accepted due to a closed 10+ year wait list. Short staffing and overworked, underpaid apartment employees will be normal. The media will continue acting like everything is fine and promote false patriotic propaganda, North Korea style. "Food" will be chosen for you and rationed. You will have access to the worst resources, worst doctors and professionals. The indoctrination centers (schools) will look like detection camps full of predators and perversion disguised as "sex education." The property and things that you own will be confiscated in creative ways if not forcefully. You will fight the country for free for nothing but "patriotic" praise and mere phony celebration that feels real and feels good in return. Martial Law WS Race Soldiers Police will either not show up at all or they will show up ready to kill, imprison, fine, or evict you if you "cross the line" or even "just because" with no legitimate reason given. Black people will be the primary targets and once Black people are finished being wiped out, the next targets will be the poorer non-Blacks (including whites). Welcome to the New Game. You will own nothing and be happy. 🤡

    Earth will be cancelled soon. 😈

    tales from the crypt horror GIF by absurdnoise

    You still got people scared shitless about some damn CRT (Critical Race Theory), Sharia Law, or Trump getting back in office. What about this New World Order (NWO) and Martial Law? You need to be fighting against this NWO and worsening Corrupt Government / Police State like you fighting against wearing masks and these experimental vaxxes. The lives of you, your children and families depend on it. #Priorities

    Possible Plot Twist: Since there are only so many wealthy people on the planet and they keeping giving all of this money to Ukraine and these white / non-Black foreigners, what if one of the goals is to have the poorer American citizens (especially the Black ones) live in smaller shithole shoeboxes and tent cities to slowly die off and be neglected in (before making another Lake Lanier or highway to cover their dead bodies) while they move in the wealthy non-Black immigrants and foreigners into these empty luxury buildings they keep building everywhere?
    Just think of the government being in charge of everything. Look at the DMV. Now imagine stores, housing, hospitals, etc. all being run like that.

    They don't want us having spouses, children, or any resemblance of family. They just want us working. This way things can keep moving and they can live in luxury while the rest of us rot at the bottom.