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Frequent social media a lot?

These days I kinda steer away from social media, because it's just a mess of dumb people arguing about politics, covid and other such things. It's a big reason I left Facebook, because so many of my friends and family just talked nonsense about stuff and i got tired of it.

Do you guys even bother with social media anymore? I wouldn't count streaming or doing videos (Youtube), but facebook and twitter for sure.

When you get the email “your shipment has been delayed”

Its cuz of this idiot.

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We have train tracks downtown Dallas and people either try to beat the train or end up stopping dead on the tracks waiting for a light to change. Common sense tells me to not roll on a train tracks if I don’t have a clear path across it but common sense ain’t common.

Do you expect your woman to submit to mediocrity?

This is kind of a controversial topic but for the men here, do you expect a woman to submit to you without you having to be accountable for results? It seems like a lot of men in our society feel that submissiveness from a woman is a right, I disagree. I feel like submissiveness is a privilege and you have to earn it by being a provider and protector that creates emotional, financial, and physical stability in the household. A woman is unable to bask in her feminine energy when the basic tenets of survival are unmet.

This is why our Black American women typical display masculine traits because they have been dealt a bad hand over the past 70 years. Their men have been overly arrested, overly charged, overly Incarcerated, and denied jobs which culminated in a environment where Black American women had to be the tentpole for the family. To make matters worse, the Man was UNABLE to come back into the household if the woman was on public assistance thus reinforcing the Black woman having to hold down the household.

So I say all that to say this, understand masculinity and what woman expect from you as a man. Be a leader, a provider, and protector and she will choose to lock onto your plan if it makes sense. Will there be women out there unwilling to do so? Yes. But for every bum ass woman is a bum ass dude…don’t let their darkness mask your light.

Submissiveness is a side effect of you being a provider and protector…don’t expect it if you ain’t doing your job.

Don’t you hate when coworkers email you and CC your boss too?

This is something so frustrating to me, it’s the biggest bitch move in the world. I understand if they’ve tried to communicate to you a few times and you‘ve brushed them off or you’re lagging in deliverables but on the first notification, it’s BS. I didn’t attach a technical item to a document and this person instead of coming to me to rectify, airs me out with a Director and my boss CC’d…I’m like…yo you couldn’t reach out to me to resolve first? I’m a great worker but this place I’m at has a culture of people CC’ing your superiors all the time…it’s annoying. I hate that I have to think this but I wonder if it’s because I’m one of 2 Black people in the whole company. CC’ing my boss is their version of calling the cops on me when they want me to be corrected. There’s a white dude from Texas that does it non-stop to me for no reason…always quick to escalate on me even if it’s been 20 minutes…shit is crazy.

How many of y’all only use credit cards?

About 4 years ago, I had to address the fact that my budgeting skills sucked. I basically had no budget. I just spent how I felt. I would at least check my account balance periodically, but I was stuck in a cycle of overdrafting my account and rushing to switch from savings to avoid the overdraft fee. So basically outside of direct deposit into savings I was always ending up broke and my money management was sloppy.

I had to change it up. I did my online research and got put onto using a rewards credit card for every single purchase. The catch is you have to keep a zero balance. I zeroed out all of my credit cards and haven’t used a debit card other than at the atm since.

My question is who else on this site is doing this. I wondering if we can share ideas on techniques and what’s the best card to use.

YouTubers You Enjoy

I have been looking for some new people to sub to. As of now, I am only watching a handful of people. I used to be subbed to like 30+ channels but stopped watching a lot of them.

SomeOrdinaryGamers, SomeBlackGuy, Pewdiepie, LongBeachGriffy, The Critical Drinker, and penguinz0 to name a few. I like things related to entertainment topics, relaxed reaction videos, tech stuff, anime talk, some gaming, just things of that nature. I am open to some recommendations.

You can just share what you are currently into as well.

Did you get vaccinated?

Not a loaded question and don't want this to become something political. Some of my friends did, some didn't. My family is a mixed bag on the topic. Some got theirs right away, others are waiting, some don't want it at all. I was going to get mine but my doc told me to wait. I have certain allergy issues he has concerns with and wants to wait until there is more testing done. He said the J&J shot is likely the safest route for me. I'm fine with waiting cause I already had COVID-19 back in June of 2020.

Anime - What are you into?

I grew up watching DBZ, Cowboy Bebop, and other sorts of animes. I still enjoy it today. While I don't like it as much as DBZ, I am still following Dragon Ball Super. Recently got into buying the mangas and I am really enjoying it. Always felt like this series was one of my favorites so I love meeting new people who enjoy it as well.

Are you into anime? If so, what are you into?

Just imagine having your truck towed by this idiot

How do you know how to operate this whole truck but ain’t smart enough to understand you gotta driven differently with a load? Dude wrecked the load and the structure he ran into. I was watching the whole time like:

Cringe Dislike GIF by Troi Irons

Anyone caught up with Rick and Morty?

I just completed all the episodes that are in season 5 so far. I hear they are doing a season finale episode in September, and it'll be extended. My guess it'll be two episodes, like a two parter or something. Any fans of Rick and Morty in here? I've been binge watching the show since I started watching it last week. So I'm a tad bit late to the party it seems.

How is the next Black Panther going to be without Chadwick Boseman?

It's still hard to believe that Chadwick Boseman died nearly a year ago. The fact that no one really knew he was going through cancer was crazy to me. He hid that really well and I didn't notice anything different about him. But when he died, I was totally shocked. I didn't see it coming.

Anyway, with him now gone, there has been rumors that his sister in the movie will take over as the new Black Panther. Do you like this idea? I do, I think it's a great way to keep the movies going, and they can always go to side stories with the other characters in that world.

What do you guys think? I'm glad they didn't recast his character.
