Well, well, well FBA... SMH. Let me start by SAYING, if I'm NOT SAYING SOMETHING. I'M SAYING SOMETHING. I caught some WS shlt.
Hey Y'all Family. On April 15, 2023 around 10:30 in the Morning I Let My 2 Dogs Out To Run and play in the Yard. On That Day, my neighbors had their dog running around in the Streets. Their female dog was about as old as my young dog about 7 months. So the puppy was happy, running around doing puppy stuff. She saw my dogs and ran to my Flimsy azz gate to see my dogs and pushed it open. She saw my dogs are not little and took off running from them. So my dogs chased her. But. My dogs were trying to play with her. They never seen a female dog and just want to play. So I Come out to get my dogs. All 3 dogs are running around crazy at this point. So I Come out my house to get my dogs. And 4 Meth head hillbillies from the house across the streets @ 2302. Now 2 live there and 2 do not. Were Yelling and screaming like IDIOTS. I WAS EVERY n****r Those WS meth heads COULD THINK OF. THEY CALLED ME ALL KINDS OF n****rS. Now they know I'm an Older FBA Female. They know this. They thought I was by myself. I WASN'T! So while the dogs are running around, Methy and "the Meth Marine" Started Talking MORE Shlt. This Meth head bitch go say if my dog hurt her dog she was going to shoot my dog. Getting VERY AGGRESSIVE. The 1st 3-4x I Ignored the Bitch. Then after that time, I told her, Bitch, IF YOU SHOOT MY DOG I'M SHOOTING YOUR FUKING DOG IN FACE. Then her man "the Meth Marine" Said, If you shoot my dog, I'm going to BURN YOUR HOUSE DOWN. So Said, then I'm going to BURN YOUR HOUSE DOWN! Methy had the NERVE To Say, " You can't say that to me!" while her meth head marine boyfriend is still making Threats to Me (meth is a hell of a drug). So I explained WE ALL GO BE DOG LESS AND HOME LESS If YOU FUCK WITH MY DOGS. ON SOME REAL SHIT. WHEN THEY COULDN'T PUNK ME... Methy says "I'm calling the KKKOPS" I Said " l don't give a fuk! FUK WITH My DOGS BITCH, ITS ON. I Got My DOGS and the Methies start walking to my house. By This Time My People Came Out The House. It was 4 Against US 2. So WE TURNED UP! Now the Marine Told me when I was alone, "I'm a marine, I'll beat his AZZ! So I Said, he's Not A Marine but you Not Whipping his AZZ, lol, And Just So You Know, He’s NOT Taking A Walk In Azz Whuppin, Go Have To EARN IT. Methy marine was talking about kicking my Help AZZ until My HELP walked outside. So it was 2 against 4. HELL YEAH! I'M HELPING MY PEOPLE FIGHT, MY OLD AZZ AND ALL! CHOP. CHOP.
So they Tried To Surround Him, I Ran In The House And Got The Louisville aka the Meth Head EQUALIZER. Now While I Was Gone, Methy walked her manly AZZ up and hit my Fam 3 or 4x in his face. He wasn't expecting that. Now my Fam was trying to get to her Marine man. She jumped in the way fighting A MAN. So My FAM PUNCHED HER IN THE FACE And Knocked Her AZZ On The GROUND.