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Do you believe creatures like Bigfoot are real?


Down From Day 1
Or any mythical creature that we haven't been able to prove as real or probable. Creatures like Bigfoot, the lochness monster, the jersey devil, or any other creature out there that hasn't been proven, but there are stories about for hundreds of years. In all honesty, I don't believe bigfoot or the loch ness monster exist.

I do believe that we may not have discovered every type of animal or creature there is to discover on this planet, considering there are forests and areas untouched by human hands, there could be unknown creatures out there. The Oceans as well, could have many things we have yet to discover. We just can't because it's not possible for us yet to go that far down. We have submersible devices we could use to go really far down, but to my knowledge I don't think there has been anything yet that is capable of going to the very bottom of the deepest oceans.

But, what do you think? Do you believe in Bigfoot, and or other creatures similar to him? I find them hard to believe, but then again, I do believe there's a lot we have yet to discover on this big rock.


Down From Day 1
Yes all these folk-lore beings are real, including mermaids (actually called sirens). They exist in a different realm that's why we can't see them on the regular. I believe you can see them when certain portals are opened.
I've read stories on sirens and honestly I think it's be cool if they were real as you say. But it's like Bigfoot for me, I don't believe im them. But I'm willing to believe there is a possibility of something like it being real.
I believe people who are descended from the Caucusan Mountains might be related to bigfoot...loch nss monsteris very likely when you hear these stories about 700 year old SHarks swimming around....unicorns could possibly be horses that didn't lose their horns......what's the jersey devil? Tony Soprano?
yeah with the lochness monster, I suppose you could say it's a shark or some other animal around its size. Especially when I've heard of crocs and alligators that get massive in size. What if it was just a croc or gator? But, wasn't the lochness monster witnessed in a lake?

From what I remember about the Jersey Devil, it's like this creature that torments people in New Jersey. I think there was a short doc about it, and how it supposedly haunts a tunnel in New Jersey, at least I think that's it. I may be confusing it with some other ghost story.

If it's not hard to believe that dinosaurs once walked the earth, it's not far fetched to believe that giants, big foot, even dragons existed.
Yeah true. I doubt dragons, because we found dinosaurs, so why not dragons yet. You'd think we'd find some fossils or remains of one at some point. But yeah, I suppose at some point other creatures walked the earth. So I agree with that.
I don't think they exist. Every culture has their own mystical beasts that only niggas with Kodak disposable cameras smeared in chicken grease seem to run into so Im in the "don't believe it" crowd.
Yeah I am with you there. I can see some undiscovered animals and creatures being out there, but too far for us to really investigate. With the likes of Bigfoot, I just can't see him being real. And if he was, why is it so hard to get proof of him?

I'm someone who has to see verifiable proof. But I am willing to be proven wrong if there is proof.

I don't believe in things like Bigfoot but I think some of them are based on some truth. Maybe they were once real but went extinct or something.
Could be I suppose. I think we would have found remains by now. But, I think they found remains of giants in the past, so maybe those were actually of bigfoot or another creature like him.

dragons are not far fetched at all! I agree. You see all these lizards and Gators and reptiles and its easy to think they existed
True, especially when we literally have living dinosaurs today. I heard that one of the lizards living today, isn't too far off from what some dinos were back then. Gators, Crocs, those big ass lizards called Komodo dragons. They are pretty much dinosaurs of today.

Real One

Nah, I don't believe in bigfoot or any other myth like creature. If everyone claims bigfoot is real, why no evidence? As well, no remains have ever been found, and if he/she lives in forests, we should have found something by now.

It is cool to think about though, because sure, maybe there was creatures like them that existed one day, but maybe that day has long since come and gone.