Foundational Black Americans refer to Black people. You may want to get schooled by Professor truth, Tariq Nasheed, and Jason Black among others. Let me ask you are you FBA?
I’m Black American and while I respect PBT, TBA, and Tariq they are not gods. Foundational Black American is a made up term just like Black American, African-American, and etc. The issue you are referencing is ambiguity and how it allows people to shoe horn themselves into a demonym disingenuously. For instance, an Egyptian in kick boxing told me he was a real African-American and I checked him and said “No you’re not, you’re a descendant of Arabs who invaded Africa…African American refers to Black people” his face got red and he STFU.
Foundational Black American can be misused in the same manner. White people can say well Stokely Carmichael was Black, he was in America, and was Foundational to the Civil Rights Movement, why isn’t he considered FBA? Then you have to explain that FBA references Black Americans so you’re back at square one just like you are with African American. So are you going to run from FBA when they start playing those semantic games with that term too?
If you want to be precise the only term that is unambiguous is “Descendants of US Slaves“. At the end of the day we are talking about Co-ops, do you have anything to add to that? I don’t want to get caught up in semantical minutiae.