This is our latest piece on The Zero Hour
With Black American median income on track to reach $0 by 2053, many groups are promoting pathways to success for the community. One such pathway being promoted is reclassification from “Black American” to “Freedmen”. Groups pushing this agenda assert that reclassification opens the doors to restorative justice and political activation. In this brief video we explore if this is a viable solution for the Black American community.
My personal opinion is that playing the "name game" is a stalling tactic because we are at a point where we know the system doesn't work. The next step after recognizing the system does not work is scary and some simply want to go back to begging for rights. The Freedmen movement IMO is just that, it's going back to asking White Daddy to give us the rights instead of taking them.
What are your thoughts?
With Black American median income on track to reach $0 by 2053, many groups are promoting pathways to success for the community. One such pathway being promoted is reclassification from “Black American” to “Freedmen”. Groups pushing this agenda assert that reclassification opens the doors to restorative justice and political activation. In this brief video we explore if this is a viable solution for the Black American community.

Black Vs. Freedmen | Do Names Matter? | 6ZEROS
With Black American median income on track to reach $0 by 2053, many groups are promoting pathways to success for the community. One such pathway being promoted is reclassification from "Black American" to "Freedmen". Groups pushing this agenda assert that reclassification opens the doors to...

My personal opinion is that playing the "name game" is a stalling tactic because we are at a point where we know the system doesn't work. The next step after recognizing the system does not work is scary and some simply want to go back to begging for rights. The Freedmen movement IMO is just that, it's going back to asking White Daddy to give us the rights instead of taking them.
What are your thoughts?