I feel what you saying Ro Ro, but it's like this my g, it's a given we don't like the Red niggas. But the blue niggas are in the white house right now, and THEY think we still friends. So they're the target of the smoke right now. It's like saying we don't like the KKK, well duhhhh we black. We don't have to say Fuck them hoes because what's already understood don't need to be explained. But if it's a white ally who virtue signals all day long, we got to address that muthafucka so it ain't no confusion. So in this situation, we don't need to distribute shit to the Red niggas(The KKK in this example) over the blue niggas(The White Ally virtue signaler in this example). Because the red niggas already know the score. These blue niggas are the ones that's gon' learn to-gotdamn-day. Wait til mid-terms come and these blue niggas catch this B1 fade.