I've kept at least 8 children in my home, every weekend, for months. The children were left at home unattended while their Moms went to their jobs as strippers!Alot of people are full of shit. They say one thing and then do another. It's like when most people say they'll never snitch until they find themselves in a police precinct being pressured by cops to give up information. Or people who say they're not afraid of anything but then you show them a rat or some kind of large insect and they freak out.
With this particular woman she's probably just saying shit for shock value. Guaranteed if she ever found herself in the situation where she's starving she will beg for help.
How did I find out, my children are friends with them. These kids were no older than 10 at that time. I bought sleeping bags, pajamas & food. Every weekend was a sleepover & some weeknights.
I enjoyed every minute. Homework was done, love was spread & I became TT Gwyn to all! ❤