Another's kind of manipulative of the family to come out and ask for the community to support. Usually family doesn't have to ask the black community because the black community comes out automatically. We only wouldn't support when we can't relate. What happened to Amaud Auberry could happen to me, what happened to Brianna Taylor could happen to me, what happened to George Floyd could happen to me. Tamir Rice, Trayvon, Oscar Grant etc, thats why we support, march etc...
What happened to Nigerian Toby couldn't happen to me, cuz what happened to him is a direct result of his own self hatred, coonery and off code behavior. What happened to Jonathan Price couldn't happen to me either. He was the texas coon who worshiped whites and bashed black people on Facebook and end up getting murdered by a race soldier for trying to shake his hand. Asskissing backfired.
Bottom line, If you die cooning, you get no love, no support