I promise you I do not mean to discount your experience, but the most substantial thing you said was about "the wall of girls." Without knowing the context, that does sound suspect. But the other stuff is highly subjective.bruh. I work as a teacher in California. They are coming after our kids. I see teachers hanging up rainbow flags in their classroom next to the U.S. Flag. Every year there are more and more teachers crossing boundaries and sharing too much with the kids. Any teacher discussing their sex life with a student needs therapy. I don't want ANYONE talking to my kid about sex. It doesnt matter if their intentions are good or not, it ain't their place. WHen i was in school, in 6th grade, they gave us the parent consent form for health class and we watched those videos. I subbed for teacher and I'm at his desk and I notice he has a whole wall of senior pictures, but all of them are girls......I've worked in the public school system for almost a decade and let me tell you, the only groups of degenerates I ever consistently encountered more in a profession, was the service industry.
You say they are coming for our kids because teachers are hanging up rainbow flags. Hanging up a rainbow flag doesn't mean much of anything definitive and could actually mean support for YOUR kid. "Crossing boundaries" and "sharing too much" are very subjective phrases that could mean anything.
Anyone would agree that a teacher discussing their sex life is inappropriate but many heterosexuals don't see anything but sex when it comes to homosexuals while sex is just one aspect of being heterosexual. Meaning if a teacher so much as acknowledges his/her same-sex partner's picture on their desk (or even if they have one there) that would be automatically classified as them talking about their sex lives while a heterosexual teacher would not be held to the same standard.
And you have a bias, "groups of degenerates." Your prejudgment of the collective service industry makes it impossible for you to see them without a lean towards the conclusion that they are degenerates even if the specific thing you are looking at is very benign.
Obviously, it's a largely acceptable judgment but it does color your vision.