I left when Musk took over. There is a lot of stuff going in the science/transhumanism/ community with
brain-computer-interfacing and Musk is leading the charge. BCI needs conservatives in order for it to work. Because folks aren't keeping up with the science and tech world, we're missing a lot of stuff. We are headed to a biosecurity state and I stepped out of it while I still have the freedom to. The more we can opt-out of mainstream media of all kinds, the better. Folks are onto FaceBook.
Facebook has been a leader in BCI, and the military uses info for research and development.
Systems that allow humans to control or communicate with technology using only the electrical signals in the brains or muscles are fast becoming mainstream. Here's what you need to know.
Wrench in the Gears is a really good source of a researcher/parent explaining in laymens terms the threat of BCI.
Jason just posted our final Colorado site visit on my Youtube channel. We filmed an informal presentation outside the state capitol building in which I outline the “game” of poverty man…
In any event, social media isn't our friend anymore. It's been weaponized. Neurotech weapons are being developed, and we're helping to build them.
The ultimate goal is this:
Ramola D | Updated May 18, 2023 June 4, 2018 | Dr. Charles Morgan on Psycho-Neurobiology and War Dr. Charles Morgan, a former CIA, US Navy, US Army-affiliated neuroscientist lectures at the Modern …