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ATTENTION: We need justice for Emmett Till NOW!


Royal Sixer
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Grand jury declines to indict Carolyn Bryant Donham, the woman whose accusations led to the murder of Emmett Till​

Carolyn Bryant lied on Emmett Till and got him gruesomely and barbarically murdered to the point where his face was deliberately disfigured. Carolyn Bryant Donham is the prototype of the modern day Karen. Emmett Till was horrifically murdered on August 28, 1955.

Let me remind you of the unspeakable atrocity that Carolyn Bryant caused Emmett and his family:



He was only 14 years old.

Here's a picture of Carolyn Bryant and the other racist barbaric murderers celebrating the gruesome lynching of Emmett Till afterwards on good ole Friday night. Remorse where?

I see no tears. Only soullessness.


Get over what?! There is no statute of limitations for murder. There is no valid excuse to not take Carolyn Bryant in custody and convict her of her crime against humanity no matter what they claim at this point. Looks like people will need to pull up and have 2020 style protests to get any justice in this evil racist country. This isn’t a grand jury. This is grand injustice.

Also, these racist blue demons and their soulless pals love to fine, penalize, railroad, and arrest Black people and they will even go as far as to pull up (or fabricate) old warrants or "unresolved" matters and violations to do so if they don't make up violations and plant "evidence" on the spot. It's never "too late" or "too long ago" to arrest and convict Black people. Not even rich Black people like Bill Cosby. Heck, they are still finding and arresting Nazi soldiers and anyone who aided in the Holocaust in any way, shape, or form. So what's the problem now?! It sounds like that white privilege card is working just fine right now in the system of white supremacy and anti-Blackness.

These officials and politicians have all the power yet always claim to be so "powerless" to do anything. Notice the only time that they and their Black skinned bootlicks like Fani Willis, Alvin Braggs, and Eric Adams claim to have white power is when they are proudly and outwardly putting Black people in our place and exercising power over us? What's the point of voting them in? They are useless to society and only useful to their corrupt and evil paymasters while claiming they "they tried" and are "trying" to do things and get things done.

This grand jury that declined to go after Carolyn Bryant also needs to be looked at because this is the same BS stunt that Attorney General Daniel Cameron from Kentucky was trying to pull off as he was pressuring the jury to help sabotage, throw out, cover up, and corrupt the case of Breonna Taylor and her murder. They are protecting this lying, murderous, POS racist Carolyn Bryant just as much now as they were in 1955 prior to the Civil Rights Movement. What has changed again between 1955 and 2022 except the year? What does that say about the Civil Rights Movement and the intangible "changes" like integration with and sexual access to the oppressor class, Affirmative Action that white women and Asians and LGBT overwhelmingly benefit from, and the continued oppression and benign neglect of Black people (especially Foundational Black Americans) that happened afterwards? There is so much anti-Black and traitorous corruption in our government and society that this system cannot go on any longer without imploding or people stepping in to put a stop to this.

With this grand sham ruling, they have once again officially proved to us that white supremacy, white rights to kill and commit crime, oppressive anti-Black racism, and white privilege are irrefutably real and that there is no real progress in this country. They continue to use a whitewashed colorblind MLK, songs like Sam Cook's "A Change Is Gonna Come" to shut Black people up and keep us on the "keep your head up and down as you hope and pray" treadmill, and the massive gains of LGBTQIA+, immigrants, and white women Karens as shields to hide behind when they talk about any "progress" made in this country to distract, delude, fool, manipulate, and throw Black people off our square and so that we can participate in and blissfully dance and twerk to our own demise.

I am not proud to be American in a country full of domestic racist white, non-Black, and traitorous terrorists and enablers and I am damn sure not proud to see my people oppressed without any punishment for the protected perpetrators. I cannot stand for the pledge of allegiance and say "with liberty, and justice for all" when there is no liberty or justice for us Black people. I cannot be a terrorist when I call out the tyranny and evil of actual oppressive terrorists. I can only be one of many heroes. If you try to shame me or speak ill of me for speaking the truth, then what does that make you?

Let's talk about how and why Biden, his DOJ, and his Administration absolutely refuses to do or say anything about this murderous Carolyn Bryant criminal and Emmett Till's murder even after bragging about and passing the Anti-Lynching Act earlier this year.


You know, this is the very same Jim Crow Joe Biden Administration that is also aiming to refund the corrupt police billions of dollars of our taxpayer money (Crime Bill 2.0), gutting Miranda rights, refusing to also charge Breonna Taylor's murderers for murder (not just falsifying warrants and documents), and even offered secret sweetheart plea deals to the murderers of Ahmaud Arbery?! This is why we are not participating in this corrupt system any longer and are slowly breaking away from it. Y'all say "A check for what?!" We're saying... A vote for what?!

And by the way, this demon Carolyn Bryant's own racist son, Lamar Thomas Bryant, is protecting her, so he is also complicit for harboring and protecting a fugitive. If she was Black and responsible for killing a white person, she would be under a prison.

Enough of the BS. Lock both of them up.




If yoy have a Twitter or other platform, spread the message now.

Sun Light

Justice could've come years ago,nixxas are too scared to put in work.

"Violence can be used for good"

Have you seen that documentary?? The old one not the new one.. It explains a lot., especially that relative that's the pastor.. His family in MS were saying shit like they thought the racists were just going to whip him or torture him a little then bring him back.. Wth?? We were screaming at the tv literally.. 🤦🏾‍♀️🤦🏾‍♀️
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    Dallas, TX
    Have you seen that documentary?? The old one not the new one.. It explains a lot., especially that relative that's the pastor.. His family in MS were saying shit like they thought the racists were just going to whip him or torture him a little then bring him back.. Wth?? We were screaming at the tv literally.. 🤦🏾‍♀️🤦🏾‍♀️
    Hold up. They let the racists take Emmit and they thought they would whip him a bit and then bring him back?

    Confused Thinking GIF by MOODMAN