The Cookout

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Mz Jazzy 4 A Reason

I’m New Here
Saturday, September 24, 2022
7:31 AM

Some FOOLS Are Born. Some FOOLS Are Tricked. Some FOOLS ARE MADE. Some FOOLS. Are JUST FOOLS. To WS. Power. WS FOOLS. You. FOOLS them. Mind Games. Of FOOLS. Fools WS TOO. INTO WHITE POWER. (grassroots) THAT DON'T STRUGGLE. AS. WS STRANGLE. WS grassroots. OUT OF WHITE POWER. And Existence… The FOOLS! WS grassroots. PRETENDING WS grassroots. Have WS POWER. While COMMITING. Cognitive Dissonance. MARCHING To TUNES. OF WS. MADNESS. Of WS SPREADING Out WS POWER. MARCHING TO WS POWER GRAB. Of COCOONS. Of WS minions. MARCHING TO EQUALS. USING WS grassroots. POWER FOR EQUALS. A fool's ERRAND. OF SELF IMPLOSION. FIGHTING FBA FOR WS. POWER. FROM WS politicians. WS grassroots. THINK WS grassroots CONTROL Her politicians and msm. USING the politicians, msm As COVER. To FIGHT. FBA. OVER america? MY HOME. UP FOR GRABS. As LONG As FBA. DON'T HAVE POWER? Answer Me THIS. WS grassroots. What ARE You WILLING TO LOSE. WS grassroots. FOR YOUR FREEDOM FROM NIGGAS? ARE YOU WILLING TO DIE. FOR WS? FALL ON THE SWORD OF WS? For WS politicians to SELL YOU OUT. TO EQUALS. FOR EVERYBODY. IN WS. FOREVER. NO SEPARATE WS grassroots CLASS. JUST ONE BIG HAPPY FAMILY OF WS. OR. NOT. WS grassroots Can't Be RACIST TO EQUALS. Hey, WS grassroots? Notice How msm and your politicians NEVER, NEVER, NEVER SPEAK FOR WS grassroots AGAINST WS newborns? The WS msm and politicians Let Your WS Azz BLOW IN THE WIND? Its Just FBA That's The Problem. See WS grassroots WS politicians and msm ARE HOPING You Focus On FBA. That Way politicians and msm keep you in the DARK so WS grassroots can Wake Up Dead. ARE Y'ALL SOME FOOLS? WS grassroots, Can A Fool Speak? OFF THE RECORD, of course? WS grassroots You Can't TELL Nobody I Said This. It's Between Us. You Can't Tell The NBM. They Go Look At Me Sideways. But. I'm BEING HONEST. Let Me GIVE you WS grassroots SOME GAME. 1st Here's My Disclaimer: I'm NOT TRYING TO HELP. I'm Just Trying to Laugh… (At…) With you Too. WS grassroots. Listen, Like You, I LIVE In WS Too Every day. Right? So That Kinda Sorta Make Us Friends… I Know! Right? Don't Laugh. Yet. I'm Just Saying WE All, All, ALL Live In WS. That's All. I'm Saying. I Just Want To WELCOME YOU TO MY WORLD. In WS. So, Pay Attention. WS grassroots. NOW. For The RECORD. I WISH RUSH WAS ALIVE. On Some REAL SHIT. I Can ONLY IMAGINE What RUSH Would Say. In THIS CLIMATE OF WS POWER. I ALSO IMAGINE. This IS ONE TIME RUSH BIG MOUTH RACIST AZZ WOULD BE SPEECHLESS. AT WS. Can you WS grassroots IMAGINE RUSH Being Speechless? OR. RUSH BEING RUSH. WOULD TEAR THESE WS politicians and msm A NEW AZZHOLE. I Would've Laughed So HARD! Can WS grassroots Even IMAGINE WHAT HE WOULD SAY about Sucker Saying Afghanis Being WHITE TOO? LOL! How ABOUT OPEN BORDER AND NEWBORNS. RUNNING AMOK. CRIMES EVERYWHERE! NOBODY CALLING IT OUT FOR REAL. FOR REAL. ALL A Hollywood PRODUCTION. Of MAKE BELIEVE. ALLIANCES OF WS grassroots POWER. BUT. ITS FBA FAULT. Its ALL, ALL, ALL FBA. Fault. FBA FORCED WS politicians and msm INTO This PRODUCTION. IF IT WASN'T FOR THAT FBA. WANTING REPARATIONS… This Wouldn't Happen. If It WASN'T FOR FBA CULTURE. WE WOULDN'T BE HERE. Right WS grassroots? I MEAN. THOSE FBA Is The Problem. NOT these Random UNKNOWN illegal newborns, politicians or msm Running AMOK. With Their DRUGS and CRMINAL ACTIVITIES PASSES… GIVEN BY The WS politicians and msm. Just The FBA, At Fault. Right? All The US Tax Dollars Going To The NEW WS EQUALS… Here and Over There. While WS Like RUSH, Who Was On DRUGS… Before His Illness… got no help EITHER, Bumbing Biden Say 1 Billion For DRUG Abuse… NOW… Too LITTLE TOO LATE… (Aww Yeah… It is an Election Coming Up… Just Like A demoncrat Promise OF HELP FOR "FBA COMMUNITIES" whatever that means). The WS grasssroots "PROBLEM Go Get HELP". While WS grassroots STRUNG OUT. WITH NO WS POWER. To SPEAK OF. Where EVER Are These WS DRUGS Coming From… Nobody In POLITICS OR MAIN STREAM MEDIA. WILL EVER!!! DARE TO SPEAK! What Is The fbi Doing… What's Their Purpose? AS FOR WS grassroots DRUG PROBLEM That Means WS politicians and msm Go HAVE TO DO SOMETHING. (Now, WS grassroots, Y'all ain't nobody, Just Useful FOOLS, How You Go Be SUBJUGATED, and You're Clean? foh) FOR ONLY OLD Wrinkled WS politicians WHO Give POWER TO newborns and newborn politicians, msm and newborn "WS" police, judges, mayors, governor used To SELL WS grassroots OUT. To The Immigration and WS grassroots LOVE AFFAIR. Her politicians And msm COAXING To Compliance With Fellowship and THREATS. Threats for the american peoples… But Laws For ILLEGALS HELP? WS grassroots GETTING Their AZZES KICKED by These NEW BREEDS OF WS KKKOPS… WATCH THE VIDEOS, SHOUT OUT THE KKKOP WATCHERS! I GOT MAD LOVE FOR YOU! Couldn't Happen To a Nicer GROUP OF Racist keystone kkkops. Being WATCHED That Is. WHY IS THE ICE OFFICERS GETTING PAID WITH TAX DOLLARS DURING A RECESSION FOR DOING ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. Why Is ICE Even Going To Work? Now A DAYS? WHAT IS ICE PURPOSE Now? In WS? Again Just FREE TAXPAYERS' MONEY Giveaways. To THROW AWAY. These TRAITORS Can't EVEN Cancel Student Loan Debt. BUT. America Is 30 TRILLION IN DEBT? FOH! LOOK AROUND YOU WS grassroots. At YOUR WS politicians and msm HANDIWORK. JUST. ONE. BIG. HAPPY. WS. FAMILY. Right? Check This OUT WS Grassroots. I'm Finna Give You Some INSIDE INFORMATION… Don't Tell Nobody. Look Around You WS grassroots, Do You See Any GOVERNORS OF THESE UNITED STATE STANDING FOR YOU AGAINST THE INVASION Into YOUR WS grassroots Neighborhoods? Of COURSE NOT! They're ALL GETTING BILLIONS AND BILLIONS To BRING THESE NEW WS To Your WS Grassroots Neighborhoods. THANKS ICE,,, FOR NOTHING. MOSTLY REPUBLITHUGS governors and mayors. NOT JUST demoncrat (they ALL on TEAM Fuk You TOO taxpayers) BUT. THEY ALL SAY WOKE! WOKE! WOKE! EVERYTHING BLACK IS WOKE! In WS. WOKE IS BAD! BUT! FBA Not IN CHARGE OF THIS FAILING WS BULLSHIT WS SYSTEM (just look at Y'all president, That'a ALL, ALL, ALL YOU NEED TO KNOW). NO MATTER HOW MUCH WS TRY To WOKE IT UP. FBA BEEN WOKE. Y'all WS grassroots were The ONES Thinking Its COOL RUNNING Around HOOPIN And HOLLARIN About WOKE. If WOKE IS BLACK, Foh. WTF Is WS DOING? IN WS? WOKE BLACK AIN'T GOT A GD THING TO DO WITH THIS WS FALIURE OF an Awake SYSTEM. WTF Is It EVEN CALLED? WE Can ALL AGREE. ITS. NOT. WOKE! This SOME AWAKE Shit, Thanks Marbles! You're So AWAKE. SHIT OUT OF HAND. SMMFH… Now With THIS AWAKE Stuff. NOTICE WS: When All These mayors and governors" Get Fed Up" And DO "something" About these newborns THEY DON'T NEVER EVER, EVER, EVER DEPORT OR SHIP Their "HELPLESS" newborns CHARGES (Mostly ABLE-BODIED FIGHTING AGE MEN) To Their Country Homes or Across The BORDER. They SHIP THEM TO FBA/ WS grassroots NEIGHBORHOODS. But. That OK IN WS. Right WS grassroots? Its NOT Like Its WS grassroots hoods… with the PAID OVERFLOWING OF newborns. Right? SURELY You WS grassroots Want To Sock It To FBA. With the newborns. Right? We CAN'T HAVE WOKE, Now Can We? WS grassroots Want EQUAL POWER With WS politicians, WS msm AND newborns. After ALL ITS ONE BIG NON WOKE WS HAPPY FAMILY… Just A RANDOM THOUGHT… CAN You WS grassroots TURN UP AND WIN in WS WITHOUT THE FBA BROTHERS? EVERY/ALL GROUPS Imported newborns HATES WS grassroots (side note, THESE NEWBORNS LOVE THESE DRUGED OUT WS HOES). Do You WS grassroots HONESTLY THINK THESE OTHER PAID WS GROUPS Or politicians And msm GO HELP YOU ws grassroots FIGHT THE WS GOVERNMENT ITSELF??? THE politicians and msm WHO SOLD WS grassroots Out To WS newborns In The 1ST PLACE?!! (snicker) LOLOLOLOLOL!!! GTFOOH!!! LOLOLOLOL!!! AFTER ALL Y'ALL ALL EQUAL NOW!!! Bumbling Biden Said WS GRASSROOTS CAN'T WIN... HE'S GO Send THE WS KKKOPS AFTER WS grassroots And He's RIGHT... Without The FBA BROTHERS. WS grassroots Is DEAD IN WS america…. Even The Afghanis Are WHITE WS grassroots Too. Right Sucker? You DO SPEAKING FOR WS grassroots And IS Charged With Making WS EQUALS And WS grassroots Happy Together. JUST LIKE bill "snake ears" maher, yuk, yuk, Yuking It All Up To WS grassroots DEATH. Right Bill? ALL Y'all WS Who Watch Racist AWAKE "msm News or Talking heads" So The AWAKE can BLAME FBA For WS politicians Tricks and Treats for WS grassroots DOOM. Just ONE BIG GLOBAL WS american FAILURE (NATO is Fighting, But RUSSIA Is Alone FIGHTING. AND NATO Is STILL LOSING GROUND). The Fall Of america and europe is The GOAL. It's All Part of the Con Job. Of TRICKS FOR FOOLS. But. What Do I Know… I'm The dumbest person In The Room. I'm Just A FOOL. Too. But. Unlike WS grassroots… I'm WOKE.
Now FAMILY, Y'all Need To LISTEN to MR SUPERBOY aka 'Your World'. BRILLENT WORK! If You Don't KNOW Where Harvey BEEN/AT. Start With MR SUPERBOY Old WORK. He WILL TELL You SO. MR SUPERBOY Has One of The SHARPEST MINDS IN THE GAME! MR SUPERBOY Would Make An ELEPHANT Jealous With That Crazy Azz Memory. Family Don't Fall ASLEEP On Harvey.

Smooches Family,
Mz Jazzy 💜❤💜

Bruh Man

Senior Sixer
The 5th Flo'
ummm....that's a lot. I'll land my plane there.
Martin Lawrence Lol GIF by Martin

When a nigga that be droppin paragraphs on that ass be like this too much you know you need some punctuation