The why Chinatown in NYC, Koreatown in LA and other longstanding ethnic enclaves stay un-gentrified is the same thing we have been preaching hard, A CODE! They have a code. If a Korean, Chinese, Arab (Detroit) homeowner doesn't have a child to take over the home, business, they will ONLY sell to a fellow person in their ethnic group. Italian neighborhoods on the east coast been doing that for decades.
The problem isn't so much acquiring properties, the first line of defense is all these (Jason Black voice) 'oooooooold n*ggas' selling to white folks who are there to buy the home for flipping or whatever.
In our greatgrandparents time, they instilled pride in the family home. It was passed down generationally. Why did it stop? Integration and higher education. 60 years ago we were mainly going to HBCUs. PWI universities opened up. That family home was now inherited by someone who has their master's great job and wants to move to the suburbs. Okay, they don't want to be in the hood, the neighborhood has changed from bad to worse or whatever, they sell to any white man with a check. No pride in the home that may have raised 3 generations.
A black guy I know was doing a real estate deal in LA for a black homeowner. The home was selling for 550k. Home prices were going up. A group of young brothers were getting into real estate and wanted to keep it black. They upped their bid to 595k. Some white man bid 600k and he sold it to the white man. The brothers couldn't do any higher. His commission and the home owner wasn't going to get that much difference. The home was bought 30 years before for maybe a bit over 100k. I said, is 5k that big of an amount to keep it black knowing the area is turning white? He took the I'm a capitalist approach.
The young people in Chinatown NYC who are now doctors, engineers, and inherited great grandparents Chinese restaurant with the apartment on top, are now living elsewhere, don't want to work that business. Chinatown has an association that will buy the business from them. All others pool their money and say 'We'll find you a Chinese buyer or buy it ourselves rather than it going to some white man'. It's on code. Its getting harder and harder because the prices in NYC are so ridiculously high but that's how they kept it Chinese and kept their culture.
Rich black Angelenos, Harlemites etc should be doing what the Chinese do in Chinatown.