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Master Sixer
San Antonio, TX
Sometimes I just feel like why even try?
These vote blue no matter who and civil rights generation minded people are so brainwashed that it's not possible to get through to them. They are literally part of a cult!

They are the overwhelming majority of the black community. If estimate at least 95%. They teach their children and grandchildren the same ideology. It's passed down like the sickness and disease it is.

I know because I used to be like that and I learned it from my parents and aunts and uncles.

They live in a bubble where the Democratic party is worshipped and the Republicans are demonized. If you speak against the Democratic party you are attacked.

They will show up in large numbers and just vote blue no matter who.

The way that some of us think in that we need to hold them accountable and ask for something for our vote is unheard of to them. Those of us that think like this are in the minority by far.

At times I just feel like fuck em all. Let keep voting blue no matter who. I'll just look out for me and mine and whatever I'll will the Democratic party imposes so what! Nothing we can do because they won't listen. Black people as a collective are brainwashed and can't or won't use critical thinking.

Even when the facts are right in front of them, they ignore it in favor of the Democratic party. If they have to choose between their people and the Democratic party they choose the Democratic party every single time.

They will teach their children the same and they won't listen. Sure a few people will make their way out but the majority will remain the same even their children.

Enough black people will never change to make a difference. That's a hard truth but it's the bleek outlook. I'm not being defeatist. I'm just being realistic.


The First Sixer
  • Messages
    Once again, those people look at voting as dogma not as a negotiation. If they had a to-do list it would be:
    • Pray before eating
    • Go to Church
    • Vote for Democrats
    Trying to convince them that the Democrats are bad is the same as trying to convince that Jesus is not real. You can talk about Serapis, Cesar Borgia, or a certain point if you keep trying to talk them out their faith they no longer are the dumb ass, you are.


    Master Sixer
    San Antonio, TX
    Once again, those people look at voting as dogma not as a negotiation. If they had a to-do list it would be:
    • Pray before eating
    • Go to Church
    • Vote for Democrats
    Trying to convince them that the Democrats are bad is the same as trying to convince that Jesus is not real. You can talk about Serapis, Cesar Borgia, or a certain point if you keep trying to talk them out their faith they no longer are the dumb ass, you are.
    But don't you find it depressing that we are at their whelms? That things could change but they won't because these people refuse to change!


    Master Sixer
    San Antonio, TX
    Talk to repubs about this. Black people aren't stupid. The alternative is.
    This is exactly what I mean. This is just further proof.
    I say how bad the Democratic party is and immediately you go to attack the Republicans.

    So what? Yes the Republicans are bad. That doesn't make the Democrats good. They aren't any better than the Republicans no matter how much they pretend to be!

    Princess El-Bey

    Senior Sixer
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    Once again, those people look at voting as dogma not as a negotiation. If they had a to-do list it would be:
    • Pray before eating
    • Go to Church
    • Vote for Democrats
    Trying to convince them that the Democrats are bad is the same as trying to convince that Jesus is not real. You can talk about Serapis, Cesar Borgia, or a certain point if you keep trying to talk them out their faith they no longer are the dumb ass, you are.


    This is exactly what I mean. This is just further proof.
    I say how bad the Democratic party is and immediately you go to attack the Republicans.

    So what? Yes the Republicans are bad. That doesn't make the Democrats good. They aren't any better than the Republicans no matter how much they pretend to be!

    When did I say dems are good. If they aren't any better then why y'all types waste so much time trashing them? Don't make sense bruh.


    The First Sixer
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    But don't you find it depressing that we are at their whelms? That things could change but they won't because these people refuse to change!
    We are not under their control. We are only at their mercy if you believe in this punk system. A lot of them that stay stuck on stupid are just as much our enemy as any KKK member.

    Princess El-Bey

    Senior Sixer
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    What does that mean?

    I’m an Anti-Republican voter. More than anything I Vote with the Dems to block Rs from power because they to me represent Facism and Anarchy against us!. If the govt is ruled by them. Many of us and others will lose personal liberties. Black Americans are already targeted because of base conditioned, violent racism…that has been emboldened.

    Some of them already feel they should be able to kill melanated people and others for not living like them. Why do they make it their business to stop or block others that don’t look like them or believe like them? That kind of power is dangerous.

    I’m in NO way comfortable with that type of power given to known racists who don’t mind killing at will.

    Republicans are largely unpopular 💥[MATH] because of that. They lose by millions of the popular vote. They also foster and they encourage terrorism. Especially with the introduction of Crime Boss Donald Trump to the political playing field. But none of it is for play.. people are dying over it because of Republican ideology in America, more than any ideology! We now have thousands of Republican judges who already side with the Trump MAGARepublicans. That’s a huge problem. They too target melanated men , mostly, and women. Mass incarceration is a Republican tool.

    💥AmericanISIL is embedded
    Im Not fear mongering. My thoughts on this subject are documented in Data. That’s why I say MATH doesn’t lie. I’m not in my feelings. I’m in FACTS and STATS. It’s beyond politics.. it’s war and these people are willing to Kill. Are you??? You saw them on J6. White folks lost their minds behind Trumps lies, flew to the Capitol to hang Mike Pence and Nancy Pelosi who they blame for gays, transgenders, abortions, illegal immigrants and the so-called Blacks who keep voting for the fk n****r lovin DEMS. This is how they think and talk..That’s what the shits boils down to. But what if they just left those people I listed alone?? What if they just left us alone, everyone alone and minded their effin business? Wouldn’t that be nice?

    US mass shootings, 1982–2022: Data from Mother Jones’ investigation


    Master Sixer
    App Beta Tester
    'The way that some of us think in that we need to hold them accountable and ask for something for our vote is unheard of to them. Those of us that think like this are in the minority by far. ' , take is that the some you refer to do want to ask for tangibles .. our fault is that we rely on representatives to ask for those tangibles, instead of organizing for ourselves ...

    The nature of the system is to keep us disorganized, through any means possible, including through other negroes that may or may not have the same mentality (I'm going to go along, get paid, f'em) ...

    Resist the temptation ... We all want the same thing, just differ on how to get there .. Some choose to work with a lesser overt enemy, but until practical alternatives are presented, people will take a clearer path ...


    The First Sixer
  • Messages
    I’m an Anti-Republican voter. More than anything I Vote with the Dems to block Rs from power because they to me represent Facism and Anarchy against us!. If the govt is ruled by them. Many of us and others will lose personal liberties. Black Americans are already targeted because of base conditioned, violent racism…that has been emboldened.

    Some of them already feel they should be able to kill melanated people and others for not living like them. Why do they make it their business to stop or block others that don’t look like them or believe like them? That kind of power is dangerous.

    I’m in NO way comfortable with that type of power given to known racists who don’t mind killing at will.

    Republicans are largely unpopular 💥[MATH] because of that. They lose by millions of the popular vote. They also foster and they encourage terrorism. Especially with the introduction of Crime Boss Donald Trump to the political playing field. But none of it is for play.. people are dying over it because of Republican ideology in America, more than any ideology! We now have thousands of Republican judges who already side with the Trump MAGARepublicans. That’s a huge problem. They too target melanated men , mostly, and women. Mass incarceration is a Republican tool.

    💥AmericanISIL is embedded
    Im Not fear mongering. My thoughts on this subject are documented in Data. That’s why I say MATH doesn’t lie. I’m not in my feelings. I’m in FACTS and STATS. It’s beyond politics.. it’s war and these people are willing to Kill. Are you??? You saw them on J6. White folks lost their minds behind Trumps lies, flew to the Capitol to hang Mike Pence and Nancy Pelosi who they blame for gays, transgenders, abortions, illegal immigrants and the so-called Blacks who keep voting for the fk I’m a racist lovin DEMS. This is how they think and talk..That’s what the shits boils down to. But what if they just left those people I listed alone?? What if they just left us alone, everyone alone and minded their effin business? Wouldn’t that be nice?

    US mass shootings, 1982–2022: Data from Mother Jones’ investigation
    I hear you but the thing about math is that it is decoupled from emotion. Math shows us that Democrats are equally as hostile and deleterious to Black Americans but simply in a different way.

    • Republicans will say “no niggas
    • Democrats will flood the country with anti-Black immigrants, give them resources, praise diversity, and let the immigrants say “no niggas”

    • Republicans will say “law and order” and “back the blue” when we voice our disatisfaction with Policing.
    • Democrats will say “we hear your pain”, they will set up a civilian oversight panel with no authority, and when we voice our dissatisfaction they’ll say “we’re working with the civilian oversight panel to determine next steps”.

    So while I don’t disagree with your framing of Republicans, I disagree with your framing of Democrats as the good guys. Those 4 racist Latinos in the Los Angeles Government were all Democrats.

    Joe Biden who wrote the Crime Bill under Reagan and under Bill Clinton is a Democrat.

    LA County Sheriff has whole gangs in their department that brutalize Black deputies, Black citizens on the street, and in Black citizens in jail and it’s in a Democrat city in a Democrat state.

    Kamala Harris was our attorney general and she was locking up Black parents when their kids were truant and laughed at it, another Democrat.

    The anarchy and fascism you say you’re voting against is what you’re voting for with the Democrats. The difference between the two is that the Democrats say sweet nothings which allows someone voting for them to plug their nose and hope something good comes of the vote.

    I respect your right to vote down ballot democrat but it is not an enlightened pathway that others just don’t understand. Both sides hate our guts and the only thing voting Dem has gotten us is a slow death.


    Master Sixer
    San Antonio, TX
    I’m an Anti-Republican voter. More than anything I Vote with the Dems to block Rs from power because they to me represent Facism and Anarchy against us!. If the govt is ruled by them. Many of us and others will lose personal liberties. Black Americans are already targeted because of base conditioned, violent racism…that has been emboldened.

    Some of them already feel they should be able to kill melanated people and others for not living like them. Why do they make it their business to stop or block others that don’t look like them or believe like them? That kind of power is dangerous.

    I’m in NO way comfortable with that type of power given to known racists who don’t mind killing at will.

    Republicans are largely unpopular 💥[MATH] because of that. They lose by millions of the popular vote. They also foster and they encourage terrorism. Especially with the introduction of Crime Boss Donald Trump to the political playing field. But none of it is for play.. people are dying over it because of Republican ideology in America, more than any ideology! We now have thousands of Republican judges who already side with the Trump MAGARepublicans. That’s a huge problem. They too target melanated men , mostly, and women. Mass incarceration is a Republican tool.

    💥AmericanISIL is embedded
    Im Not fear mongering. My thoughts on this subject are documented in Data. That’s why I say MATH doesn’t lie. I’m not in my feelings. I’m in FACTS and STATS. It’s beyond politics.. it’s war and these people are willing to Kill. Are you??? You saw them on J6. White folks lost their minds behind Trumps lies, flew to the Capitol to hang Mike Pence and Nancy Pelosi who they blame for gays, transgenders, abortions, illegal immigrants and the so-called Blacks who keep voting for the fk I’m a racist lovin DEMS. This is how they think and talk..That’s what the shits boils down to. But what if they just left those people I listed alone?? What if they just left us alone, everyone alone and minded their effin business? Wouldn’t that be nice?

    US mass shootings, 1982–2022: Data from Mother Jones’ investigation
    You probably don't even know what Fascism is without googling it.

    Sounding like a CNN telecast.

    Voting for the Democratic party just because the Republicans are racist is nonsense.

    What are they going to stop being racist now because you voted for the do nothing Democrats?

    Republicans don't like black people because we vote as a monolith against them. If someone was trying to take your job constantly wouldn't you dislike them also?

    If we were voting as a monolith for the Republican party then they would have no problem with us it would be the Democrats who would hate us.

    It's the fact that black people vote on auto program without thinking, without knowing anything about what's going on, and just show up and vote Democrat automatically because that's what they've been programmed to do since childhood. This is why the Republicans hate us.

    Can you blame them?

    I'm not upset at the Republicans at all.

    I'm pissed at all the dumbass black people who keep showing up voting for the Democrats for no reason.

    Pretty much to the point where just like the Republicans I hate y'all too. At least the blue no matter who folk anyway

    Princess El-Bey

    Senior Sixer
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    It’s not a slow death, we’re all dying slowly.. it’s a form of suppression after the act of VOTING! Very wack of them.

    Your response is a well constructed list of Republican talking points. I do not vote for people I can’t meet with. Have you ever met a Republican politician or candidate, face to face?? Reason being, they do not represent the hood, they completely represent white neighborhoods because of systemic racism. They don’t want to touch us.

    I do not vote down ballot. But I realize many people do. I don’t trust any judge that is white so they don’t get my Vote period. Unfortunately, that doesn’t stop others from voting them in. The Dems are far from perfect and not innocent but I am not afraid that they will come to my neighborhood and disrupt the entire voting process, by moving or closing down voting locations so the almighty black vote can’t vote for democrats.

    Most of all if not all election fraud is committed by Republicans. Documented fact. Why are they cheating to win? Because they can’t win blue counties and States without cheating. That is why they manipúlate voting maps so more if the districts are white.. suppressing or rather diluting the black vote.

    You can compare Dems to Republicans but the fact still remains, Rs are the worst human beings on earth. They are the Karen’s and haters of the world in one political party.

    Also the white racist Latinos are a problem in America…period. No matter which Party. I think we’re all just realizing the depth of that reality. They’re racist. Anti-Black..Duh! We should have known that.

    In and around 1932 the parties switched, the Republicans who freed the Slaves were impressed by the New Democratic President Theodore Roosevelt who implemented the Great New Deal that gave us Social Security and other benefits. Black voters immediately moved to the Democratic party because the policies implemented, brought many if Not all out of poverty. The Great New Deal was a fix for the Great Depression as you know.

    The diehard racists stayed inside the Republican party and that’s how the Republican party became the party of the KKK, lynchings, school segregation activists. Race soldiers, violent fk shit, you name it. You saw the images of those Devils. It is a weak argument to say Democrats are just as bad in their own way than Republicans. The Republican culture is always ready and salivating for another civil war. They really want a reason to kill us. Any reason will do.

    White Democrats are fighting their racist cousins on the R side and many times making deals with them. Those politicians have silenced the Black Caucus by not offering support to the Black Caucus. We need to give our black elected a break but they need to tell the truth! They are being marginalized in the House of eps and in the Senate.. This is why Karen Bass left Congress to run for Mayor of LA. She realized she can do more for her constituency as Mayor than Congressperson. She has, for the last 30 years, created a real community coalition of …dare I say, black and brown melanated peoples. She founded Home - Community Coalition She has a great chance to become Mayor and is 1000% for Reparations for Black Americans. Im sorry, I do not know any Rs supporting Reparations, do you? How Can Black people win with them?

    So for meee, lol

    We have to keep fighting for Democrats to MAKE them better. 💥 I will do my part by running for office one day in the near future. I will not hesitate to speak the things to them that I am saying here rn.

    Any political attention to Rs will never give us what we want because they are 1000% WS. Dems are 50-60% WS so what MATH are you using? Also Rs require that you become white thinkers like them. Look at Candace Owens, Kanye Mess and other #BLACKMAGA.

    Mainstream White Media (MSWM) ONLY book Republican elected officials . That’s another reason why so many people cite Republican talking points. MSWM is ANTI-BLACK …but no one wants to talk about that. NOW Ye was right about that.

    My last point, Democrats beg for money too much!! and of course VOTES.. knowing they can’t deliver!

    My last last point, Black people need to start showing up to these POLITICAL PARTY meetings and demand we are put on the agendized priority list. We are absent from the back rooms because we’re not really engaged in the process beyond the voting booth ballots, which have been populated and decided on by people who engage in the back room meetings. FACTS

    ITS CALLED THE County and State Central Committee. In each State and each county. They then meet at the State Conventions and finally at the National Conventions called the
    Republican National Convention and the
    Democratic National Convention
    Where they call for the nomination of agendas and priorities,
    President and Vice President candidates.

    These conventions are put on by the
    Republican National Committee and Democratic National Committee members who are elected by the members of each party… regular voters like you and me, if you vote



    My family is the same way. They are brainwashed beyond control. They are on Democrat cruise control. Why do we let others control us too much, but yet we don't do the same thing to them? Only a small portion of our people are even willing to entertain the idea of an independent 3rd party that represents our people's interests.


    Once again, those people look at voting as dogma not as a negotiation. If they had a to-do list it would be:
    • Pray before eating
    • Go to Church
    • Vote for Democrats
    Trying to convince them that the Democrats are bad is the same as trying to convince that Jesus is not real. You can talk about Serapis, Cesar Borgia, or a certain point if you keep trying to talk them out their faith they no longer are the dumb ass, you are.
    Yep. It is draining to tell them this. My father is 92 years old and has had dementia for 2 years now. Obama of the democratic party did nothing for us, but this man wears that blue Obama cap regularly. Smh. I threw the cap in the trash. I should have put the cap underneath a bunch of other trash so he could not see it. He took it out of the trash and still wears it to this day proudly. Although he has dementia and cannot remember most other things even after I have said it numerous times, he still remembers to put on that cap no matter where it is in the house. I can't even look at him anymore because I'm so disgusted.


    This is exactly what I mean. This is just further proof.
    I say how bad the Democratic party is and immediately you go to attack the Republicans.

    So what? Yes the Republicans are bad. That doesn't make the Democrats good. They aren't any better than the Republicans no matter how much they pretend to be!
    Bingo. The two party system is two wings of the same dirty bird.


    I’m an Anti-Republican voter. More than anything I Vote with the Dems to block Rs from power because they to me represent Facism and Anarchy against us!. If the govt is ruled by them. Many of us and others will lose personal liberties. Black Americans are already targeted because of base conditioned, violent racism…that has been emboldened.

    Some of them already feel they should be able to kill melanated people and others for not living like them. Why do they make it their business to stop or block others that don’t look like them or believe like them? That kind of power is dangerous.

    I’m in NO way comfortable with that type of power given to known racists who don’t mind killing at will.

    Republicans are largely unpopular 💥[MATH] because of that. They lose by millions of the popular vote. They also foster and they encourage terrorism. Especially with the introduction of Crime Boss Donald Trump to the political playing field. But none of it is for play.. people are dying over it because of Republican ideology in America, more than any ideology! We now have thousands of Republican judges who already side with the Trump MAGARepublicans. That’s a huge problem. They too target melanated men , mostly, and women. Mass incarceration is a Republican tool.

    💥AmericanISIL is embedded
    Im Not fear mongering. My thoughts on this subject are documented in Data. That’s why I say MATH doesn’t lie. I’m not in my feelings. I’m in FACTS and STATS. It’s beyond politics.. it’s war and these people are willing to Kill. Are you??? You saw them on J6. White folks lost their minds behind Trumps lies, flew to the Capitol to hang Mike Pence and Nancy Pelosi who they blame for gays, transgenders, abortions, illegal immigrants and the so-called Blacks who keep voting for the fk I’m a racist lovin DEMS. This is how they think and talk..That’s what the shits boils down to. But what if they just left those people I listed alone?? What if they just left us alone, everyone alone and minded their effin business? Wouldn’t that be nice?

    US mass shootings, 1982–2022: Data from Mother Jones’ investigation
    I don't like the republicans either, but they care more about liberty than democrats do. Democrats want to take away people's guns.


    'The way that some of us think in that we need to hold them accountable and ask for something for our vote is unheard of to them. Those of us that think like this are in the minority by far. ' , take is that the some you refer to do want to ask for tangibles .. our fault is that we rely on representatives to ask for those tangibles, instead of organizing for ourselves ...

    The nature of the system is to keep us disorganized, through any means possible, including through other negroes that may or may not have the same mentality (I'm going to go along, get paid, f'em) ...

    Resist the temptation ... We all want the same thing, just differ on how to get there .. Some choose to work with a lesser overt enemy, but until practical alternatives are presented, people will take a clearer path ...
    Many don't want accountability. I do see some smaller organizations being formed that are attempting to push for positive agenda items for us. This is good news.


    I hear you but the thing about math is that it is decoupled from emotion. Math shows us that Democrats are equally as hostile and deleterious to Black Americans but simply in a different way.

    • Republicans will say “no niggas
    • Democrats will flood the country with anti-Black immigrants, give them resources, praise diversity, and let the immigrants say “no niggas”

    • Republicans will say “law and order” and “back the blue” when we voice our disatisfaction with Policing.
    • Democrats will say “we hear your pain”, they will set up a civilian oversight panel with no authority, and when we voice our dissatisfaction they’ll say “we’re working with the civilian oversight panel to determine next steps”.

    So while I don’t disagree with your framing of Republicans, I disagree with your framing of Democrats as the good guys. Those 4 racist Latinos in the Los Angeles Government were all Democrats.

    Joe Biden who wrote the Crime Bill under Reagan and under Bill Clinton is a Democrat.

    LA County Sheriff has whole gangs in their department that brutalize Black deputies, Black citizens on the street, and in Black citizens in jail and it’s in a Democrat city in a Democrat state.

    Kamala Harris was our attorney general and she was locking up Black parents when their kids were truant and laughed at it, another Democrat.

    The anarchy and fascism you say you’re voting against is what you’re voting for with the Democrats. The difference between the two is that the Democrats say sweet nothings which allows someone voting for them to plug their nose and hope something good comes of the vote.

    I respect your right to vote down ballot democrat but it is not an enlightened pathway that others just don’t understand. Both sides hate our guts and the only thing voting Dem has gotten us is a slow death.
    Nice analysis of this glaring problem


    Sixer First Class+
    We voted overwhelmingly Republican until the 1936 election. Lincoln freed us, he was a Republican, the south were Dems (called Dixiecrats) so we voted lockstep with them. Then FDR happened and his wife Eleanor showed love and we voted majority Dems in that election and increased to over 90% after JFK and LBJ. 1

    So, the black community can change voting patterns. The struggle is to get out the message and reasons for not voting at all. You can't reverse 150 years of feeling we must vote overnight. I would suggest that we have made HUGE progress. You have never heard about any significant part of the black community (currently Black men) not voting for Dems or at all in our lifetimes or our parents'. Its growing big enough for major networks to discuss it openly. Obviously, its not happening any where as fast as we want but its happening faster than THEY want. And that's what you have to know. It should be motivating if anything else.

    if things continue I think it will be a major if not the most important topic in 2024 because so much will be relying on our vote.


    You probably don't even know what Fascism is without googling it.

    Sounding like a CNN telecast.

    Voting for the Democratic party just because the Republicans are racist is nonsense.

    What are they going to stop being racist now because you voted for the do nothing Democrats?

    Republicans don't like black people because we vote as a monolith against them. If someone was trying to take your job constantly wouldn't you dislike them also?

    If we were voting as a monolith for the Republican party then they would have no problem with us it would be the Democrats who would hate us.

    It's the fact that black people vote on auto program without thinking, without knowing anything about what's going on, and just show up and vote Democrat automatically because that's what they've been programmed to do since childhood. This is why the Republicans hate us.

    Can you blame them?

    I'm not upset at the Republicans at all.

    I'm pissed at all the dumbass black people who keep showing up voting for the Democrats for no reason.

    Pretty much to the point where just like the Republicans I hate y'all too. At least the blue no matter who folk anyway
    Well said. I am getting away from anybody who keeps emphasizing that we vote for the D's. For what? What specifically is a candidate promising? And what is their track record of trying to deliver it?


    We voted overwhelmingly Republican until the 1936 election. Lincoln freed us, he was a Republican, the south were Dems (called Dixiecrats) so we voted lockstep with them. Then FDR happened and his wife Eleanor showed love and we voted majority Dems in that election and increased to over 90% after JFK and LBJ. 1

    So, the black community can change voting patterns. The struggle is to get out the message and reasons for not voting at all. You can't reverse 150 years of feeling we must vote overnight. I would suggest that we have made HUGE progress. You have never heard about any significant part of the black community (currently Black men) not voting for Dems or at all in our lifetimes or our parents'. Its growing big enough for major networks to discuss it openly. Obviously, its not happening any where as fast as we want but its happening faster than THEY want. And that's what you have to know. It should be motivating if anything else.

    if things continue I think it will be a major if not the most important topic in 2024 because so much will be relying on our vote.
    Yep. That's why they have that No Voting, No Vucking ad out. Total insult to our intelligence and to even Black women's intelligence.


    Sixer First Class+
    But the additional point is its not working. That's where we are flexing our power. If/when Warnock, Abrams loses and its directly attributed to us, and they say so, its actually a flex. As long as we stand our square and say 'So the f*ck what?' They gotta start seriously considering what it will take to get that vote.


    The First Sixer
  • Messages
    It’s not a slow death, we’re all dying slowly.. it’s a form of suppression after the act of VOTING! Very wack of them.

    Your response is a well constructed list of Republican talking points. I do not vote for people I can’t meet with. Have you ever met a Republican politician or candidate, face to face?? Reason being, they do not represent the hood, they completely represent white neighborhoods because of systemic racism. They don’t want to touch us.

    I do not vote down ballot. But I realize many people do. I don’t trust any judge that is white so they don’t get my Vote period. Unfortunately, that doesn’t stop others from voting them in. The Dems are far from perfect and not innocent but I am not afraid that they will come to my neighborhood and disrupt the entire voting process, by moving or closing down voting locations so the almighty black vote can’t vote for democrats.

    Most of all if not all election fraud is committed by Republicans. Documented fact. Why are they cheating to win? Because they can’t win blue counties and States without cheating. That is why they manipúlate voting maps so more if the districts are white.. suppressing or rather diluting the black vote.

    You can compare Dems to Republicans but the fact still remains, Rs are the worst human beings on earth. They are the Karen’s and haters of the world in one political party.

    Also the white racist Latinos are a problem in America…period. No matter which Party. I think we’re all just realizing the depth of that reality. They’re racist. Anti-Black..Duh! We should have known that.

    In and around 1932 the parties switched, the Republicans who freed the Slaves were impressed by the New Democratic President Theodore Roosevelt who implemented the Great New Deal that gave us Social Security and other benefits. Black voters immediately moved to the Democratic party because the policies implemented, brought many if Not all out of poverty. The Great New Deal was a fix for the Great Depression as you know.

    The diehard racists stayed inside the Republican party and that’s how the Republican party became the party of the KKK, lynchings, school segregation activists. Race soldiers, violent fk shit, you name it. You saw the images of those Devils. It is a weak argument to say Democrats are just as bad in their own way than Republicans. The Republican culture is always ready and salivating for another civil war. They really want a reason to kill us. Any reason will do.

    White Democrats are fighting their racist cousins on the R side and many times making deals with them. Those politicians have silenced the Black Caucus by not offering support to the Black Caucus. We need to give our black elected a break but they need to tell the truth! They are being marginalized in the House of eps and in the Senate.. This is why Karen Bass left Congress to run for Mayor of LA. She realized she can do more for her constituency as Mayor than Congressperson. She has, for the last 30 years, created a real community coalition of …dare I say, black and brown melanated peoples. She founded Home - Community Coalition She has a great chance to become Mayor and is 1000% for Reparations for Black Americans. Im sorry, I do not know any Rs supporting Reparations, do you? How Can Black people win with them?

    So for meee, lol

    We have to keep fighting for Democrats to MAKE them better. 💥 I will do my part by running for office one day in the near future. I will not hesitate to speak the things to them that I am saying here rn.

    Any political attention to Rs will never give us what we want because they are 1000% WS. Dems are 50-60% WS so what MATH are you using? Also Rs require that you become white thinkers like them. Look at Candace Owens, Kanye Mess and other #BLACKMAGA.

    Mainstream White Media (MSWM) ONLY book Republican elected officials . That’s another reason why so many people cite Republican talking points. MSWM is ANTI-BLACK …but no one wants to talk about that. NOW Ye was right about that.

    My last point, Democrats beg for money too much!! and of course VOTES.. knowing they can’t deliver!

    My last last point, Black people need to start showing up to these POLITICAL PARTY meetings and demand we are put on the agendized priority list. We are absent from the back rooms because we’re not really engaged in the process beyond the voting booth ballots, which have been populated and decided on by people who engage in the back room meetings. FACTS

    ITS CALLED THE County and State Central Committee. In each State and each county. They then meet at the State Conventions and finally at the National Conventions called the
    Republican National Convention and the
    Democratic National Convention
    Where they call for the nomination of agendas and priorities,
    President and Vice President candidates.

    These conventions are put on by the
    Republican National Committee and Democratic National Committee members who are elected by the members of each party… regular voters like you and me, if you vote

    You called my response “Republican Talking Points” so essentially you’re using the Russian Bots deflection tactic. This is exactly why Democrats are losing Black voters especially men because you hate us so much that you don’t believe we can even think for ourselves.

    You know how you said Latinos have anti-Black sentiments regardless of party? That’s true for the Europeans too! But for some reason that logic doesn’t carry over. BOTH SIDES ARE EVIL. Democrats are simply a different type of evil.
    • Democrats and Republicans are a single party when it comes to voting for war and money to the rich.
    • Democrats want Black women to have the right to kill their babies, abortion
    • Democrats want your kids to be able to change genders
    • Democrats want to groom children with sex in childrens books and drag queen read alongs
    • Democrats want to erase women by allowing men into their sports and protected spaces
    • Democrats want to erase Black Americans by prioritizing immigrants
    None of that is a Republican talking point, it’s what they are doing. No matter what side you’re supporting, you’re supporting evil.

    So my stance is, I will support whichever side promises me and my community some resources. No “rising tides lifts all boats”, “minority”, or other BS it needs to be directly to Black American Descendents of American Chattel Slavery.

    If Biden said he would push a comprehensive reparations package for Black Americans DOACS I’d vote for him. If Trump said he’d push a comprehensive reparations package I’d vote for him too.

    Negotiation is impossible if the person offering the deal knows you’re going to sign no matter what. They need to know you are willing to step away from the table and that’s what the vote blue no matter who crowd are doing.

    Do Black Americans need to be more politically active? Yes. But the game is rigged and we can never forget that. If you stay in Vegas long enough you will lose and that’s how the US Government is set up for Black Americans.


    The First Sixer
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    Agree. This is why they don't do anything for us. Why do something for fools who will vote for them no matter if they neglect us or not.
    They never did anything for us based on voting. Everything we got was after people started tearing stuff up and messing up the money.


    Master Sixer
    San Antonio, TX
    I’m an Anti-Republican voter. More than anything I Vote with the Dems to block Rs from power because they to me represent Facism and Anarchy against us!. If the govt is ruled by them. Many of us and others will lose personal liberties. Black Americans are already targeted because of base conditioned, violent racism…that has been emboldened.

    Some of them already feel they should be able to kill melanated people and others for not living like them. Why do they make it their business to stop or block others that don’t look like them or believe like them? That kind of power is dangerous.

    I’m in NO way comfortable with that type of power given to known racists who don’t mind killing at will.

    Republicans are largely unpopular 💥[MATH] because of that. They lose by millions of the popular vote. They also foster and they encourage terrorism. Especially with the introduction of Crime Boss Donald Trump to the political playing field. But none of it is for play.. people are dying over it because of Republican ideology in America, more than any ideology! We now have thousands of Republican judges who already side with the Trump MAGARepublicans. That’s a huge problem. They too target melanated men , mostly, and women. Mass incarceration is a Republican tool.

    💥AmericanISIL is embedded
    Im Not fear mongering. My thoughts on this subject are documented in Data. That’s why I say MATH doesn’t lie. I’m not in my feelings. I’m in FACTS and STATS. It’s beyond politics.. it’s war and these people are willing to Kill. Are you??? You saw them on J6. White folks lost their minds behind Trumps lies, flew to the Capitol to hang Mike Pence and Nancy Pelosi who they blame for gays, transgenders, abortions, illegal immigrants and the so-called Blacks who keep voting for the fk I’m a racist lovin DEMS. This is how they think and talk..That’s what the shits boils down to. But what if they just left those people I listed alone?? What if they just left us alone, everyone alone and minded their effin business? Wouldn’t that be nice?

    US mass shootings, 1982–2022: Data from Mother Jones’ investigation
    There are a million things wrong with that.
    First you shouldn't be voting Anti Republican. You should be voting Pro black.
    Republicans aren't unpopular because of racism. They are only slightly unpopular because of anti liberal policies. Their racism is actually what makes them popular among the base.

    If they were liberal and racist they would be wildly popular. Know who that describes? The Democratic party. Hence their popularity.

    Math doesn't lie but if you use it incorrectly it can be very misleading. And make no mistake you are using it poorly!

    The judges that are affecting black people the most are those on the local level.

    Why do you care so much about January 6? How did that in any way affect you or black people as a whole? If it were that bad then why are the sentences so light. A black man was one of the people who got the most severe punishment. The white people got a slap on the wrist!

    However if you watch CNN and MSNBC then you'll be led to believe that it was the worst thing since the war of 1812.

    Reality is that black people hate Trump so much because of his racism that they'll go along with anything that hurts him. The Democratic party knows this and is playing on your emotions!


    Master Sixer
    San Antonio, TX
    If you think that Princess El-Bey is bad then you should see the crap I'm dealing with on Facebook.
    Nothing but a bunch of blue no matter who in my circles.
    It's literally depressing. I'm thinking about just deleting my Facebook account. It's pretty boring anyways. And I'm sick of interacting with a bunch of Democrat shills and civil rights generation minded people!


    Master Sixer
    App Beta Tester
    Yep. That's why they have that No Voting, No Vucking ad out. Total insult to our intelligence and to even Black women's intelligence.
    Whoever the media manager is, they need to be ousted!

    Or maybe one of ours made it, presented it to them, and they just greenlighted wo even seeing it (optimistic) ...


    How is the alternative stupid? We know what our people have been doing is not working. I am not saying we should vote for the Republicans, but how can we progress if we still keep voting for the Democrats?

    We want a black agenda right? It's Democrats you want in there because when we get it their judges are way more likely to be for it over republican judges.

    The no vote thing ensures we'll never get anything

    Boss Hog

    Master Sixer
    We want a black agenda right? It's Democrats you want in there because when we get it their judges are way more likely to be for it over republican judges.

    The no vote thing ensures we'll never get anything
    But we’re not getting shit now and they have the house, senate, and presidency. It’s the same nothing we got from Obama so what you are saying ain’t really backed by the history.


    But we’re not getting shit now and they have the house, senate, and presidency. It’s the same nothing we got from Obama so what you are saying ain’t really backed by the history.

    Ok let Republicans keep putting 40 year old judges on. When your kids finally get black issues passed don't be mad when the judges strike it all down.

    Shit is simple

    Princess El-Bey

    Senior Sixer
    Community Host
  • 5
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    There are a million things wrong with that.
    First you shouldn't be voting Anti Republican. You should be voting Pro black.
    Republicans aren't unpopular because of racism. They are only slightly unpopular because of anti liberal policies. Their racism is actually what makes them popular among the base.

    If they were liberal and racist they would be wildly popular. Know who that describes? The Democratic party. Hence their popularity.

    Math doesn't lie but if you use it incorrectly it can be very misleading. And make no mistake you are using it poorly!

    The judges that are affecting black people the most are those on the local level.

    Why do you care so much about January 6? How did that in any way affect you or black people as a whole? If it were that bad then why are the sentences so light. A black man was one of the people who got the most severe punishment. The white people got a slap on the wrist!

    However if you watch CNN and MSNBC then you'll be led to believe that it was the worst thing since the war of 1812.

    Reality is that black people hate Trump so much because of his racism that they'll go along with anything that hurts him. The Democratic party knows this and is playing on your emotions!
    You got that right. We haaaaaaate Donald Trump. He is the epitome of white privilege. Getting away with crimes because he’s a wealthy white man who can not only lawyer up but buy judges! Superior Court Judges. My damn! Pay attention. I will in no way help that NikkTrump. No WAY! just sayin. Y’all hate Democrats so much that you will endanger yourselves and family to stick it to the Democrats . Build a bridge and get over it.. Join the Party and take it over..Strategy.
    Turn it Black. Ever thought of that?
    Queenpin.. Checkmate
    Excited Game Over GIF by Nike


    Master Sixer
    San Antonio, TX
    Ok let Republicans keep putting 40 year old judges on. When your kids finally get black issues passed don't be mad when the judges strike it all down.

    Shit is simple
    We will never get anything passed. Due to individuals with your ideology we don't leverage our vote.
    Your whole idea is to keep the Republicans from winning.
    Besides racism, an anti liberal agenda and your love for Democrats what reason do you have to care if Republicans are in office?

    We as black people don't get anything either way.


    Master Sixer
    San Antonio, TX
    You got that right. We haaaaaaate Donald Trump. He is the epitome of white privilege. Getting away with crimes because he’s a wealthy white man who can not only lawyer up but buy judges! Superior Court Judges. My damn! Pay attention. I will in no way help that NikkTrump. No WAY! just sayin. Y’all hate Democrats so much that you will endanger yourselves and family to stick it to the Democrats . Build a bridge and get over it.. Join the Party and take it over..Strategy.
    Turn it Black. Ever thought of that?
    Queenpin.. Checkmate
    Excited Game Over GIF by Nike
    Incorrect. I don't hate either party.
    I don't have a dog in this fight. I'll vote for whoever has something to offer me.

    Do I dislike Trump? Yes. However I refuse to let those emotions control my decisions.

    You say that we put our family in danger by not supporting the Democratic party. I ask what have the Democratic party done legislatively or policy wise to protect us any more than the Republicans?

    You preach joining the party and making it black. There are already lots of black people in the Democratic party. Three is a Congressional Black Caucus. What have they done legislatively or policy wise for us in the last two years?

    Is there a good faith argument for these questions?


    We will never get anything passed. Due to individuals with your ideology we don't leverage our vote.
    Your whole idea is to keep the Republicans from winning.
    Besides racism, an anti liberal agenda and your love for Democrats what reason do you have to care if Republicans are in office?

    We as black people don't get anything either way.
    Did you even read the post you quoted?

    Simple question say in 20 years somebody passes reparations or policies that are to benefit black people.

    Do you think a bunch of MAGA judges. Are going to let that ride or not?

    Google the black farmers who are owed just 5 billion to see the future of the black agenda.


    Master Sixer
    San Antonio, TX
    Did you even read the post you quoted?

    Simple question say in 20 years somebody passes reparations or policies that are to benefit black people.

    Do you think a bunch of MAGA judges. Are going to let that ride or not?

    Google the black farmers who are owed just 5 billion to see the future of the black agenda.
    It's besides the point if nothing is ever passed.

    But if you want to talk about judges then okay.

    Biden is putting in just as many racist and conservative judges as any Republican ever has.

    After all Biden is a racist himself, so what you are saying is a bad faith argument!


    It's besides the point if nothing is ever passed.

    But if you want to talk about judges then okay.

    Biden is putting in just as many racist and conservative judges as any Republican ever has.

    After all Biden is a racist himself, so what you are saying is a bad faith argument!
    So you just saying shit then. Got it homie


    Master Sixer
    San Antonio, TX
    So you just saying shit then. Got it homie
    You're a vote blue no matter who. You're part of the problem as to why black people will never get anything.
    The way I feel is every time a police officer kills a black man or woman blood is in your hands.

    Your voting for the interests of white people instead of looking out for the interests of your own community is what leads to no police reform!


    You're a vote blue no matter who. You're part of the problem as to why black people will never get anything.
    The way I feel is every time a police officer kills a black man or woman blood is in your hands.

    Your voting for the interests of white people instead of looking out for the interests of your own community is what leads to no police reform!

    You don't know me bruh. I didn't vote in 2020 & I hate trump. You just typing. I know you don't know anything about politics.

    Unless this is a troll, the you got me.


    Master Sixer
    San Antonio, TX
    You don't know me bruh. I didn't vote in 2020 & I hate trump. You just typing. I know you don't know anything about politics.

    Unless this is a troll, the you got me.
    I doubt that. Based on your other posts I'd say you likely voted blue down ballot.

    You've constantly argued on behalf of voting for Democrats to keep Republicans out of power.

    Now why would you do that if you yourself were sitting it out?

    Doesn't quite pass muster if you ask me.

    The Haze Of Our Lives

    Royal Sixer
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    Sometimes I just feel like why even try?
    These vote blue no matter who and civil rights generation minded people are so brainwashed that it's not possible to get through to them. They are literally part of a cult!

    They are the overwhelming majority of the black community. If estimate at least 95%. They teach their children and grandchildren the same ideology. It's passed down like the sickness and disease it is.

    I know because I used to be like that and I learned it from my parents and aunts and uncles.

    They live in a bubble where the Democratic party is worshipped and the Republicans are demonized. If you speak against the Democratic party you are attacked.

    They will show up in large numbers and just vote blue no matter who.

    The way that some of us think in that we need to hold them accountable and ask for something for our vote is unheard of to them. Those of us that think like this are in the minority by far.

    At times I just feel like fuck em all. Let keep voting blue no matter who. I'll just look out for me and mine and whatever I'll will the Democratic party imposes so what! Nothing we can do because they won't listen. Black people as a collective are brainwashed and can't or won't use critical thinking.

    Even when the facts are right in front of them, they ignore it in favor of the Democratic party. If they have to choose between their people and the Democratic party they choose the Democratic party every single time.

    They will teach their children the same and they won't listen. Sure a few people will make their way out but the majority will remain the same even their children.

    Enough black people will never change to make a difference. That's a hard truth but it's the bleek outlook. I'm not being defeatist. I'm just being realistic.
    I have 2 just like that under the same roof. There is no changing them so I no longer try.