Highlights off the top of my head:
The rhyme scheme of: "It's difficult to say....sick of it today."
And the line, "A devil in disguise you see the redness in your eyes."
They can't imitate or perform a soul or soulfulness no matter how they attempt. Nothing can replace the warmth or certain characteristics and subtleties of a person's voice. People been complaining about how terrible and soulless music and entertainment have been for decades, but if AI art, virtual reality, and AI music become a standard thing, they'll be wishing that music sounded as good as the music in 2023 (which isn't saying much) after the fascination and hype for AI entertainment wears off.
We have technology being used to make our lives "easier" at the expense of our purpose, to make humanity obsolete and useless as robots replace us to make the wealthy / TPTB weaithier, and to enforce and carry out anti-Black racism. What glitters isn't gold.
Now I see why God frowns down on laziness.