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USA Supplies Ukraine With A $250M Military Aid Package, Should African Countries Accept A Similar Offer?

Rollie Forbes

Royal Sixer
Super Moderator
Down From Day 1

For those of you who don't have time to read through the attached thread, the $250M isn't cash; it is the dollar amount of expiring weaponry/military equipment that the US is supplying to Ukraine. As such, that aid package comes with a lot of strings attached. Ukraine will be in America's debt for a very long time going forward.

Now that that's established, my question is whether or not you think that African countries should accept a similar military aid package from the US (or another global superpower) if it means that they will be heavily indebted to that country for several decades. Why or why not?


Senior Sixer
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    Absolutely not! As you already detailed it comes with expiring weapons/equipment and strings attached, those strings are; debt via the Lend Lease Act, American interest which primarily means African resources, but also accepting white supremacist hegemony which is delivered with a level of humiliation. Africa needs no one including China & Russia but the difference between China & Russia versus the west is the lack of humiliation when it comes to partnerships. China & Russia aren’t going to withhold this hypothetical aid if an African country doesn’t want to fly a lgbt flag.

    Foreign aid is a tool for control and should always be rejected once recognized.


    Sixer First Class+
    America treated its allies and enemies from World War 2 very differently than African countries when it comes to aid.

    America made sure the money to Germany, Japan, Korea, was used to build their infrastructure. That helped give work to 1000s if not millions of low skilled and unskilled people in those countries and gave them a working class livable wage. America also protected them militarily so that they didn't have to spend much if any of their GNP on military spending. Europe had NATO which is the US primarily. Japan and Korea got US military bases. Lastly, they allowed Japan and Korea and Germany to a large extent to sell their products to America without hindrance. And didn't force them to accept bad trade deals. Japan and Korea specifically as well as Germany to a fairly big degree to have protectionist trade policies. It was impossible to sell a Ford or Chrysler car in (then West) Germany, South Korea or Japan because the tariffs were astronomical and made it a non starter. America didn' trip on it. So the Koreans only had Korean car options, Japanese with their domestic options only and Germany the same.

    These countries were also left alone in terms of government intervention. Many people don't know this but South Korea had a military dictatorship for many, many years that didn't end till the 80s, for example.

    With Africa and also to a large extent the Caribbean, the US didn't aid these Black areas the same. They used aid to make them dependent. Sometimes on TV you see news in Africa and some kid is wearing a University of Miami t shirt or a Converse t shirt. Why? The US forces these countries to accept our used clothing. The Goodwill quality clothing. There are ship containers full of it and these countries can't build their own domestic clothing market because the US threatens them with sanctions. As we know the US actively removes the best leaders. And have done so for decades since these Black countries became independent.

    In a nutshell, the US (and Europe after they were developed post WW2) targeted Africa and the Caribbean to be enslaved economically and mired in debt. An American for decades was head of or high up in the IMF or World Bank. The US, Japan and Europe run these organizations. They are not independent. They loan Black countries with terms that makes sure they are dependent on them and they can't pay it back. Germany was given money in the Marshall Plan.

    The only way I think Africa should accept any money is if its in a similar Marshall Plan format, where its purpose is to build up infrastructure: build roads, bridges, tunnels, providing jobs to the poorest and the money is not paid back. That will never happen. White Supremacy won't allow it to happen.

    All black run countries, especially the Caribbean should have done what the Philippines and possibly Mexico (I have read conflicting articles) has done, where foreigners can't buy raw land. They can buy in a condo which has air rights but not the land the condo is on in Philippines. The Caribbean has possibly the best beach front properties and views of any area globally. Worst thing Bahamas, Jamaica, and other tourist areas could have done was allowing US companies like Hilton, etc to own their best beach front land. Lease it but not sell, they need to come to you because of demand. Just one of several things the Caribbean got wrong.

    So, what then? They need to get on code, put aside tribal rivalries, see white folks for who they are. Get the corrupt mofos out the paint, link up with Blacks in the diaspora. When we (American, British, and to some extent Caribbean blacks who travel) go to the motherland its respectful. We see it as 'home'. Africa and the Caribbean needs to see American FBA as family when we migrate to America.

    Deleted member 1946


    For those of you who don't have time to read through the attached thread, the $250M isn't cash; it is the dollar amount of expiring weaponry/military equipment that the US is supplying to Ukraine. As such, that aid package comes with a lot of strings attached. Ukraine will be in America's debt for a very long time going forward.

    Now that that's established, my question is whether or not you think that African countries should accept a similar military aid package from the US (or another global superpower) if it means that they will be heavily indebted to that country for several decades. Why or why not?

    I would not want to be indebted to anybody for a long time. That is a form of slavery.

    Deleted member 1946

    Absolutely not! As you already detailed it comes with expiring weapons/equipment and strings attached, those strings are; debt via the Lend Lease Act, American interest which primarily means African resources, but also accepting white supremacist hegemony which is delivered with a level of humiliation. Africa needs no one including China & Russia but the difference between China & Russia versus the west is the lack of humiliation when it comes to partnerships. China & Russia aren’t going to withhold this hypothetical aid if an African country doesn’t want to fly a lgbt flag.

    Foreign aid is a tool for control and should always be rejected once recognized.
    Fully agree with you. We need to understand what is in our best interest.

    Deleted member 1946

    No they should not. African countries should lean on BRICS and use the New Development Bank and other initiatives inside of it to gain independence. Taking money from the West is guaranteeing slavery for your country.
    Agree. This is a form of servitude. We cannot keep relying on others for what we need. They do not want us to be free because their countries don't have the natural things we have, and we should understand that.


    The First Sixer
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    Agree. This is a form of servitude. We cannot keep relying on others for what we need. They do not want us to be free because their countries don't have the natural things we have, and we should understand that.
    Like France, if they lost control of their colonies in Africa they are going back into the dark ages.