Online earnings changed too. Anything over $600 needs to be taxed and tracked whereas before, it was 20k. They are desperate to make back the money they pissed away with those stimulus checks and all that money printing they did. They don't care about us. They just want to ensure when the ship...
The Dems wanted to keep slavery. That is all you need to know not to trust this group. They use black people and have for decades. I don't know what their plans are in all this but these greedy mf'ers need to be weeded out. Sick of this two-party system we are forced into. It is like bending...
I do both. I am trying to use vaping to quit smoking. I am down to 6 cigarettes a day. I am trying to take it slow so I have a higher chance of success. Once I am on vaping fully, I will work on cutting that back and eventually be done with both. I am using a mix that has the cooling menthol in...
Man, I hate Twitter and I hate the MSM. If you are not in the loop, Nicki mentioned a cousin's friend having a bad reaction after the vaccine on Twitter. She also mentioned she would not get vaccinated just to attend an event. So in typical MSM fashion, they started labeling her an...
I loved the game growing up and still play it so I have to wonder if the owner is a fan or unknowingly did it cause that logo is legit the Mortal Kombat dragon! You see it?
That is nasty but hilarious lol I had a friend who used to pull this kind of crap with people. It was funny until he did it to me. Locked the windows in his car and let one loose. I about killed him lol
That is fair. I never looked deep enough into things to know where the money starts. So would you say these people be them Jewish or white are using black people as a "cover" to make more money by appearing more "diverse" or giving false hope?
It is hard to start at the bottom for anyone but it is made hardest for black folks by far. So I get that aspect of the message but at the same time, what do you expect? People who have their lives together are more trusted in our society and money helps. You have to be educated to some degree...
There are plenty of record labels that are owned by black men these days so the Jewish thing doesn't hold up anymore. You can say this in the earlier days when they wouldn't let a black man own anything dealing with music. There are certainly issues there dealing with artists needing to reclaim...
I have mixed feelings about this. I like that there is some representation and people are seeing who owns what but at the same time, I feel like people are placing targets on businesses based on race. Like if a person of any race is faced with an option to buy from products from companies and...
I guess the bare minimum for me would be someone who is in a relationship with me but isn't much of a partner. Like you get the benefits of having me to go out to eat with, drive you around, and let you have a place to lay your head but you do nothing for me. Very one-sided. Then when it comes...
I hear stories about it all the time and it primarily affects black folks living in rundown city areas. They want a gun, the state tells them no, so they go outside the state to get one and when they get caught with it, they get put in prison. Just for wanting to protect themselves and their...
I have had Prime for a while now. I originally got it because of affiliate links I was using. I made money through them and just had it send to my Amazon account. I mainly was using it to buy pet food but now I shop elsewhere for that. I am considering pulling away from Amazon entirely though...
I'm looking into some options. Don't know where to start. With the way the government is acting, I think it is important everyone in the US owns a gun, especially black folks to protect themselves and their families. Best to do it as legal as you can but I know cities like Chicago don't make it...
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