Recent content by Real One

  1. Real One

    Using security cams/Ring Doorbell to keep watch of property

    So I was thinking about getting one of those ring doorbells with the camera on it, just so I can see whoever it is that comes to my door. And I also want it so that I can catch potential porch pirates, as package theft has been increasing in my area. Aside from adding a ring doorbell, I was also...
  2. Real One

    This teacher was way out of line , but the comments …

    That was a crazy situation all around. The teacher should have kept his cool and just let the school handle the kid, now that he retaliated, his career as a teacher is likely over. And, he will probably be facing some criminal charges due to this. But there's no excuse for punching a kid like...
  3. Real One

    Need more training my ass, fuck up their lives the way they fuck up ours

    This is messed up. How do you not release someone who's innocent and it's been proven such? And to use the excuse of "well the judge was asleep, and we had to wait longer". They're taking their sweet old time to release her. Hopefully she can sue them for something. To be stuck there for a...
  4. Real One

    Neil DeGrasse Tyson Schools Joe Rogan on Racism

    I'm not the biggest fan of Neil, but when he speaks the truth, he goes all in, and he does it so damn eloquently. I think I may have to start checking out what he's doing these days. Does he do any podcasts & shows these days?
  5. Real One

    Are you fine with the Microsoft/Activision purchase?

    The FTC and some other companies are trying to stop Microsoft from buying up Activision. I heard Sony wasn't happy, Google is now in the mix and so is Nvidia I guess. Anyway, if the sale goes through Microsoft will get Activision and all of its franchises. But others don't want that to happen...
  6. Real One

    Is Andrew Tate f*cked?

    Part of me thinks he won't get the same treatment Britney got. I think the way Tate is reviled by pretty much everyone these days, the US government probably won't make the effort to bring him back over. Also I think he was living over there willingly, so I don't know how that works. And I think...
  7. Real One

    Some folks are itching for a chance to kill

    I understand incapacitating someone in that instance, but to go over the guy, and unload your clip, nah, that's excessive and at that point is murder, hands down. No way he can swing that charge. Once that man went down, he should have controlled the situation, called for help and waited, but...
  8. Real One

    Apple to make their own VR headset I guess Apple has been working on a VR headset for a while now, and they're expected to unveil it this spring with it being available for purchase in the fall...
  9. Real One

    Michael Strahan Goes In On Skip Bayless

    I can't stand Skip Bayless, dude has always been full of himself and thinks his takes are the best of the best. I'm glad they ended up cancelling the game. That man's life was more important than a game and playoff seeding. All these guys will still get to play in the playoffs, and they're...
  10. Real One

    George Santos is not only a LIAR, but a RACIST white Latino too. He's #UnfitForOffice

    Is George Santos a complete idiot or what? He continues to say dumb things, and his past is also coming back to bite him now. Dude hasn't changed one bit since posting that back in 2014 and today. How he got this far in politics is beyond me, I don't get it.
  11. Real One

    Vince McMahon is back in the WWE, wants to sell

    It looks like it's actually happening, they are going to sell the WWE within the next three-six months. The rumored interested parties for purchase are: Fox Comcast (NBC Universal) Warner Bros...
  12. Real One

    Time travel, would you use it if it worked?

    Time travel has always interested me growing up. From wanting to go back in time to fix my life, or going back to see family who had passed. As well, maybe playing the lottery. :D If it was possible to time travel, would you risk it? I wouldn't mind going back to a time in my life, where I...
  13. Real One

    Emmett Till, Mamie Till-Mobley Posthumously Awarded Congressional Medal But Still No Justice

    If she was still alive, I think she'd rather there be a conviction for the woman who caused her sons death. This is nice and all, but if she was alive, I'm willing to bet she'd want a conviction rather than anything else. An award is nothing compared to putting away the person responsible for...
  14. Real One

    Public School Lunch Problem

    It's pretty sad that some school lunches look worse than what you'd get in a damn prison. You'd think with the money we as citizens pay in taxes towards schooling, it would result in better lunches for our kids. When I was in school, the lunches were awful for the most part, so I wouldn't doubt...
  15. Real One

    When is it ok to ask questions?

    I don't think this has anything to do with covid. He was hit pretty hard in the chest. Some doctors are saying that it's possible that if you're hit in the chest hard enough, it can cause the heartbeat to quiver, skip a beat, or even stop, causing cardiac arrest. When I first heard of it, I...