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    C00N Bradley Burke joined the Ukraine military and they beat him up

    So much for black strength I guess
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    C00N Bradley Burke joined the Ukraine military and they beat him up

    Both of them died in the rocket attacks
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    C00N Bradley Burke joined the Ukraine military and they beat him up

    I never said you said that. Was challenging your statement to tokenism. A one for one example
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    C00N Bradley Burke joined the Ukraine military and they beat him up

    The same argument can be said about Obama. One black president of how many white?
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    C00N Bradley Burke joined the Ukraine military and they beat him up

    I volunteered to help yes. I don't mind helping others regardless of skin tone. Jesus doesn't separate us by skin, and neither will I when someone asks for help
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    C00N Bradley Burke joined the Ukraine military and they beat him up

    It happens more than you think. This is a warzone
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    C00N Bradley Burke joined the Ukraine military and they beat him up

    That is incorrect. Ukrainians have a black parliament member who has a gold medal. If they where anti black he wouldn't be elected. Their aren't any laws against black people in ukraine
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    C00N Bradley Burke joined the Ukraine military and they beat him up

    Ukraine has blacks also. Both citizens and foreigners
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    C00N Bradley Burke joined the Ukraine military and they beat him up

    No I was wasn't pay attention. The POW got the best of me
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    C00N Bradley Burke joined the Ukraine military and they beat him up

    I saw the post that said I was a c00n. Their are Africans in ukraine that study medicine as well as black Ukrainians and black Ukrainian soldiers. I fight for them also.
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    C00N Bradley Burke joined the Ukraine military and they beat him up

    No. Jesus helped others. And that's what I'm doing. It's a calling to salvation when you sacrifice to lift up others
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    C00N Bradley Burke joined the Ukraine military and they beat him up

    My unit was transferring surrounding Russians and one was extremely aggressive and wrestled me to the ground. I got bruised pretty bad on my face
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    C00N Bradley Burke joined the Ukraine military and they beat him up

    I came to Ukraine because as a volunteer because I enjoy helping others. I don't really enjoy this war but helping refugees makes it worthwhile
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    C00N Bradley Burke joined the Ukraine military and they beat him up

    It was just a bad day overall
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    C00N Bradley Burke joined the Ukraine military and they beat him up

    Their are lots of African Americans like myself who are fighting for ukraine. The Ukrainians aren't bad people. Ukraine is a peaceful nation that just want to be left alone
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    C00N Bradley Burke joined the Ukraine military and they beat him up

    I just want the post removed
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    C00N Bradley Burke joined the Ukraine military and they beat him up

    I just feel like a small fish in a big pond