It has nothing to do with money and her behavior. Look at what she did to Angel Love. Look at her seminars where she is telling Black people that there are spirits that appear when you’re making coffee. Look at her history of scamming with the mortgage fraud. She is suspect at minimum. Nothing...
Who cares if there is a camera you see how no White person stepped up to help? That’s the problem. You can record until you’re blue in the face and white people won’t do shit. They all work together to keep this sick system going even the “non-racist” ones.
How disingenuous to paint your assumptions as the “logical” opinion and everything else as hate. Tariq has a a great track record with movies and shirts which is not to diminish him but just because he makes movies doesn’t mean he is going to follow through on everything. We do not know if...
Europeans are ultra insecure and have an insatiable desire to make everything in their favor. Nothing good could ever come from anyone else but them. We are seeing it happen in real time in front of our faces.
Yes he has a great track record but that doesn’t mean we cannot discuss him cancelling the March. Tariq is not a charity, we support this guy. I have money to every single project and bought them after release. I can comment on anything he does. I can appreciate his out put without...
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