They are going to change up their corporate name to try to ditch the controversy for all their bad deeds. You think people gonna fall for it? The app will still be the same name but the company behind it will have a new name.
Life is full of options and abortion is one of them. We can't control if women get abortions but we can control our damn culture and tell these niggas to stop going raw in jump offs and telling women to keep their legs closed if he ain't the right one.
Nope, fuck racist people. There's too much evidence that is too accessible for someone to be racist due pure ignorance. To most, it's a choice and it is emotional so you'll sit there arguing circles with them about shit. Convos typically go: Racist: Black people need to try harder Me: We did...
mjlolTariq had me cracking up when he was talking about his news story on TV and he said he had on his "good trubbah" suit. Think about how much of a bitch you have to be to say "good trouble". You're basically calling the white man your daddy. I hate these spineless turn the cheek old niggas.
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