Maybe I’m missing a photo or something but all I see is a bikini with a gold cover over. Nothing revealing or inappropriate in a family environment. We all have our standards though so we may have to agree to disagree.
I don’t see anything wrong with the picture but she has been an issue for sure especially after the weight loss. Either they have some agreement between themselves or he is going to get taken to the cleaners and get creased and starched.
I was thinking about this question after being called a pro-black militant tonight at a kick back. The problem with the statement is that it was used as a pejorative by a shea-butter twitter type with a septum piercing. So I want to ask the ZERONATION what does Pro Black mean to you? To me it's...
The NBM is tapping his pockets, he know his lane is over and done with. His paymasters now look at him as a running joke because he no longer has the ear of Gen X and younger. The days of the negro shepherds are over. The code being the leader is starting to taken a hold and it is going to be a...
Trillfate look how much they are talking about reparations and trying to deflect. This is how you know we are winning. We have to keep our feet on the gas though.
We don’t need everyone, just enough. The Democrats have changed the way they speak to the Black community based on B1 talking points, you think that is for no reason? It’s because it is disruptive and can put a wrench in their system. Enough people care that the Democrats and their Black puppets...
When he speaks on food and the term “sugar-free” it is textbook double speak and what we see day-to-day. Sugar-free doesn’t mean it does not contain sugar, it means it does not contain table sugar. White American culture has double speak as a standard feature and many don’t even understand they...
mjlolThe Rotund. Well it seems as if the writer is under the impression that BET is a Black organization. I have to ask you. What's the call to action?
How can you be sure it was a spiritual experience if you were under the influence of a substance that can alter your mind state? Could it have been that the weed released you from the depression that caged you in mentally?
Jay created 6ZEROS for Black people, interviewed a congressional candidate and asked him about reparations and Rollie Forbes was still unsure of @Jay’s stance on Republicans. Sounds like an agenda at play to me.
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