Hold on Brotha. The Honorable Chairman Fred Hampton Jr. calls it "battle fatigue". There will be challenges. I appreciate your candidness about all this. There are a few willing to work in some way.
I'm married, so I have an outsider point of view looking in at this point :) But echo this ☝️... That's the main issue ... Some females want to throw it in your face that they make more ... In the relationship, there should be no rank, so why is the other trying to flex financially , trying to...
We understand your critique and sentiment ( for some reason it resonates louder coming straight from an actual politician) .. Definitely can't wait for Superman, he may never come (that's why I'm an advocate for Black Achievement Fund. 2800 ppl contribute monthly, in Garveyite style. We can fund...
"But I've come to believe we're integrating into a burning house." - MLK Jr. .... He was right then, and now ... I think we have to work both fronts, but put much more effort (like 80/20) into the economics, and focus on local politics that matter (policing, electing for appointed judges...
Definitely Sis! Too many don't give the same opportunities as they give other vendors , a second chance. I'm a big advocate of providing feedback instead of kicking then to the curb. On the flip side, too many businesses are not realizing that they are putting out negative advertisement when...
Totally makes sense. I'm like wtf, play with barbies! It's like some things in media, I feel the agenda! Tough situation Champ. I have no input, but that Miss would be toast, all due respect ✊🏿
Be careful who you decide to bun up with Bro. You never know. That's how a lot of us get caught up. The wrong one could be a fatality, cause economic suicide, or both.
That's how I went :) , ...actually took a bus cross country to Mexico, then through SA on a separate trip. Not sure I would do that now, but it was a cool experience then
That's awesome abt the businesses, and sorry abt the Achilles ... I plan to do the same, AirBnB, Tax Liens, so many ways. I bought my first property this year, and looking to close another. He might be bombarded :), what's his website?
I think the %10 number is spot on ... I also think the majority (or another %10 or more) will follow the minority if there was a concrete plan presented .. There's a lot to do, overwhelming to most, myself included ... ... That's a good way to put it, "an assignment" ... For that, you have to...
Same here. You'll see me engaging when principles are involved, but usually I don't (went off on the Comcast guy when he tried to spark a sports convo - we don't all have the same level of engagement )
I can't tell you how much joy it is too heart that! Gotta change the system, and this is usually the only way things change - somebody has to feel the pain! In general, I hope he recognizes how much his decision will affect the future. I hope he continues to choose HBCUs bc we still need to see...
💪 ... Quick process, and you get to chop it up with another Sixer .. He-man used to be like 'I haveee thee Powerrr' (childhood, reminisce, but yeah,.. I wouldn't watch that now) ... Here's the link to get your green check ✅ https://www.6zeros.net/help/verification/
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