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  1. Nesut

    Nintendo Direct Tomorrow

    I wonder how atrocious the Namco Bandai Metroid Prime was for Nintendo to basically scrap it. I wish I could be a fly on the and see that shit.
  2. Nesut

    The Chinese trick bag

    I've always felt suspect about this dude. He says some real borderline crap every now and then. He said some slick stuff about Spotify not saying anything about all the music on the platform that says the N Word in regards to the Joe Rogan outrage. Some negros can't just be quiet
  3. Nesut

    The Black Authority (February 3rd)

    He was very relaxed on spaces and let people talk way more than he usually does. Did y’all here that crazy chick call in and call him misogynistic? That was so stupid he said jack shit about women the whole space. #theblackauthority
  4. Nesut

    Why do some people go out of their way to be liked?

    This brotha just summed up the Black American community on his first post. Pros.
  5. Nesut

    Brian Flores suing the NFL for racism

    These idiots don’t know that when you lay with dogs you get fleas.
  6. Nesut

    Kristen Clarke Attempts to Give Ahmaud Arbery's Killers a Deal

    We need to get her phone number and email and call her up.
  7. Nesut

    Free Games

    I've been peeping Warframe but have been unsure about it. I always feel like free games are going to try to nickel and dime with MTX, is that the case here? iOS has scarred me.
  8. Nesut

    Sorry To Interrupt

    They are supporting their buffer classes that's for sure. That's why we have to be steadfast in our unity. What are your thoughts on the article? I just see it as a continuation of what they have been doing. $6.3B for Afghanis and nothing for us, money for Asians and nothing for us. Same ol'...
  9. Nesut

    (Hypo) Which would have more of an impact for Foundation Black America? Black ppl sweeping the Oscars/Grammies or the 1st Black Fem Sup.Court Justice?

    When Jason said that yesterday my jaw dropped like: Now that would be a real pick right there!
  10. Nesut

    Games Currently Playing

    I’ve played both and each are awesome. I hope we get a next gen version
  11. Nesut

    Games Currently Playing

    This game is on point I can’t get enough of how you really feel like you control what’s going on.
  12. Nesut


    That's the whole point of the game though they wanted to reimagine it. I don't think they detracted from the experience though which is why I liked it.
  13. Nesut

    Never Buy a game for $60/$70

  14. Nesut

    The Professor Doesn't Miss: The Incompetent Operative Class #MorningAddress

    usher laughYou really have a distaste for coons.
  15. Nesut

    Would you marry an ex-stripper, escort, prostitute, etc.?

    Fact is you could be laid up with a reformed one and not even know it. She could have been getting down 4 cities away and moved to your town for a fresh rep. Now you thinking you with cinderella but you with Buffy the body the hoe of PG.
  16. Nesut

    Is egypt the homeland?

    That’s exactly what they did.
  17. Nesut

    The Atmospheric Water Generator This company seems legit but I can’t find pricing or where to buy information. They have portable AWGs for camper use.
  18. Nesut

    Is egypt the homeland?

    Outside of this do you know anything else about it?
  19. Nesut

    Is egypt the homeland?

    Double down on the highlighted part. I don't like how we romanticize our history to the point where Black = Perfect, White = Bad. Everything bad that ever happened in Africa has to have some external origin, I don't think we do ourselves any favors thinking so juvenile. We are every bit as...