I think the $1M could go far in a scaled down project. We have a great Black Military History museum that is in a warehouse and it's gorgeous. The monthly expenses are very manageable and since it's rented, no property tax.
You said “tapping into your emotions is not a solution for rational issues”. Life does not present rational or emotional issues though. Life simply presents issues and it is on us to resolve them. In order to resolve them you need both your emotional and intellectual function to work in unison...
You’re being slightly disingenuous in your explanations. You need both Logic and Emotion to function, they are both required to make rational decisions. In the case of the cliff, the emotion lets you know that you are what your brain perceive to be a dangerous situation. This prompts you to...
Emotion is not always irrational. Rational emotion: The fear you feel when on the edge of a cliff is very rational. Irrational emotion: Fearing all clowns in adulthood because one clown popped your dog shaped balloon as a child. One emotion will save you from death, the other is not a...
If “phoning it in” was a game. Automation all over the place, no momentum, it’s Sonic Forces with a bland overworld. Oh and the rails floating in the sky SMH they couldn’t even be bothered to integrate them into the environment. The rails could have been like parts of a rail system made by...
A man cannot insure emotional stability in boys? Men are the ones that bring emotional stability into the household. That’s why boys that grow up without a father typical are overly emotional and are guided by it…the male provides the stability. The whole male = rational, female = emotional...
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