100%. That's why the Black Agenda is so dope because it makes it clear as heck on who is riding with us and who isn't. He is just the other side of the trick bag. Nothing he said was about us. It was just about him fighting democrats. It's just dressed up nicely to make us think he is pushing...
I'm not saying you wouldn't buy it I'm just asking people a simple question. If Apple products are expensive what are they being compared to. Is Ruth Chris expensive because I can get a $15 steak at denny's?
That's not the point though. The point is what are you comparing Apple products to in order to determine that they are expensive. Because often when you compare comparable Windows and Android devices to Apple products the prices end up being right in alignment. People that say Apple is expensive...
But why is it crazy? What are you comparing it to to determine it's crazy? Think about your drones. There's a drone that costs $10,000 more than the one you have but there are fit and finish differences. There's probably better software and controls and more horsepower. But if you compare the...
These videos are not playing. To determine if something is expensive you have to compare it to something. Is a Ferrari expensive just because you can buy a Civic? Or is the Ferrari appropriately priced for what you get?
Duuuude yes! Or when a movie crams everything into the last 20 minutes. This season is going to end with a huge cliff hanger. There's too much going on to wrap up in a single episode.
I have white friends...I separate people from groups. BUUUUUUT I do not hang out with anyone who does not feel the same about the George Floyd murder. If you think he should have complied it's a wrap for our relationship.
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