That's the only way... Immigrants should just be on code if they're not eligible. And if they are really black and they really understand black culture they know they will benefit from the trickle down 1 way or another..
View: Understand propaganda, family For the past 3 1/2, 4 years mainstream media has fed us a constant stream of images of black women paired with whites in every piece of media possible. Every tv show, movie, commercial, and...
Listening right now... Uhh.. i mean.. its just.. sooo... weird (disrespectul and infuriating).. that people go out of their way to dilute the claim of descendants of slavery to include others. Its just odd that people who immigrated here feel so comfortable doing this.. The analogy i can make...
View: View: I searched and this was from last year so that's why there's no coverage today...but where was the coverage back then???
McDonald's knows way better and at this point when corporations do shit like this it's on purpose because the controversy is bascially free advertising
A lot of people think this is ray J coming out of the closet, maybe maybe not, but I know for sure it's a money grab. He's pandering hard cause he sees a big pink bag over there
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